
Humanism and Spirituality

Призыв за мир и ненасилие в социальных сетях

Russian version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Сегодня распространился по социальным сетям сообщения с призывом к населению ответить ненасильственным образом на ситуацию, возникшую после вчерашних терактов в Париже, и на меры, приняты правительствами Европейского союза…

קריאה למען השלום ואי האלימות ברשתות החברתיות

Hebrew version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence היום התחילה ברשתות החברתיות קריאה לאוכלוסיות העולם לתת תשובות המבוססות על השלום ואי האלימות. זאת, בעקבות הפיגועים שהתרחשו אמש בפריז ומפני הפעולות ש – כך נראה – ממשלות…

Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence

Today a message is beginning to circulate through the social networks calling for people to give responses based on peace and nonviolence following last night’s attacks in Paris and in front of the measures which the governments of France and…

Into the Heart of the Sacred

A Review of Vagabond Song: Neo-Haibun from the Peregrine Journals, by Marc Beaudin. Elk River Books, Livingston, Montana, 2015. 251 pages. Reviewed by Gary Corseri “I learn by going where I have to go.”—Theodore Roethke “A tourist doesn’t know where…

To my father who rules my heart

He was wise. When I was weak he gave me strength, when I was stupid he taught me wisdom. When I was hungry, he gave me food. When I was in fear he gave me courage to overcome it. When…

Thankfulness and gratitude for individual and social well being (now Science also says so)

“Whenever you find great strength, joy, and kindness in your heart, or when you feel free and without contradictions, immediately be internally thankful. When you find yourself in opposite circumstances, ask with faith, and the gratitude you have accumulated will…

Andrea Novotny presents a book about learning for nonviolence

“Preparing the path for the new times, a humanist regard for learning” is a book written by Andrea Novotny, Kity Goyena and Sabrina Di Tomaso which was presented in the Simon Bolivar Andina University on the 28th of October as…

Mariana Uzielli, on a journey towards the light

Today, 19th October 2015 our dearest friend, Mariana, finally lost the battle with her physical body and left this time and space to doubtlessly transcend to a luminous state of existence. Mariana, from Tucuman, Argentina, was a follower, from the…

Anna Polo in Greece, helping to illuminate the darkness

Anna has been engaged for many years in the areas of peace and nonviolence, coordinating a commission on these subjects for the European Region of the Humanist International (at the kick off meeting in 2003 in Prague and presenting the…

Don’t buy flowers for us, buy bikes for poorer kids…

Bikes from Heaven Don’t buy flowers for us, buy bikes for poorer kids… This was the admonition prior to Jacky Andrews funereal from the Andrews family, and Jacky indeed was an ordinary – well, you know, no Nobel Prize or…

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