
Humanism and Spirituality

Humanists in India Celebrate the 50th Year Anniversary of “The Healing of Suffering”

Kandhroli, India. Last May 4, 2019, a celebration was held at the Kandhroli Park of Study and Reflection to mark the 50th year anniversary of New or Universalist Humanism. 50 years ago, at the foot of Mount Aconcagua in the…

IV Latin American Humanist Forum: “Building Convergence”.

The IV Latin American Humanist Forum, which took place during this weekend in the Chilean capital, was closed with a cultural event in the Library of Santiago. The central performance was headed by the humanist actress Paulina Hunt, who urged…

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019: day 2

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019 Building Convergence “The aim of the Humanist Forum is to study and establish a position on the global problems of today’s world. From that point of view, it is a cultural organisation in a…

The IV Latin American Humanist Forum began today in Santiago de Chile

The Latin American Humanist Forum is an instrument of information, exchange and discussion among people and institutions belonging to the most diverse cultures of Latin America. It is a permanent activity, so that all relevant information circulates immediately among its…

Photos: IV Latin American Humanist Forum, Day 1

Opening Day, May 10 2019 in Santiago de Chile

“A more human world will not be built by the selfish psychopaths who lead us today”, Antonio Rebolledo

We interviewed Antonio Rebolledo, a Chilean engineer, as his new role as coordinator of the Humanist Psychology Network caught our attention before the next Latin American Humanist Forum that will take place in the Library of Santiago on May 10,…

Rabindranath Tagore (7 May 1861 – 7 Aug 1941): The Local and the Universal

By René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service “The darkness of egoism which will have to be destroyed is the egoism of the Nation.  The ideal of India is against the intense consciousness of the separateness of one’s own people from…

4 May 2019: 50 years of Siloism

We publish here the words pronounced by Antonio Carvallo (and consecutively translated into English by Tony Robinson) during the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Siloism in the most significant event that took place today, at the Park of Study…

Broadcasting of the ceremony of the 50th anniversary of Silo’s address in Punta de Vacas

On May 4, 1969, Silo made his first public speech in Punta de Vacas, a desolate place on the border between Argentina and Chile, not far from Aconcagua Mountain. After 50 years humanists remember that address, The Healing of Suffering,…

Tomás Hirsch: “Silo made a deep, complex and structural proposal of personal and social transformation”.

In November 2018, De Frente spoke with the humanist deputy on various topics. In that interview he was able to expand on the figure of Silo and Siloism as philosophy and practice. –Tomas, who was Silo? How did you meet…

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