
Humanism and Spirituality

The unimaginable paths

By Víctor Manuel Sánchez Interview with Luis Milani about the current reality in Latin America*. VMS: Do social phenomena such as those that occurred recently in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, a little further away like what happened in Venezuela a few…

I Welcomed the World March for Peace to My New Home

By Jhon Sánchez I always confused the expression House-Warming Party with Warming House Party. Spanish gets in my way, mostly when I have to write invitations to my Hispanic friends. In doing so, I was struggling to find the right…

Eighth Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives was held in Quito

In the framework of Nonviolent October, this morning and afternoon was held in Cumandá Parque Urbano, in the city of Quito, the 8th Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives. Hundreds of people visited stands and participated in recreational activities, sensory, with pets,…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence. From Marrakesh to Tenerife

From Antonio Gancedo’s blog Digest composed by Pressenza London The World March arrives in Marrakech October 15, 2019 At 7: 30 of that day 10 of October, the WM delegation left Larache for Marrakech, arriving directly at the Headquarters of the Law…

Chile: Humanists and the Current Moment

Hello friends, It is difficult to make a synthesis of what we are living, but in the attempt to transmit our point of view, I’ll tell you a little. I believe that we are witnessing something that Humanism has been…

Guido Dalla Casa: we need to go beyond the way of living of industrial civilization

Guido Dalla Casa is an Italian scholar and essayist active in the ecologist movement promoting a radical critique of the current system. What are the main points of your critique and your proposals for change? The most significant points: We…

The 2nd World March: two journeys in one for the nonviolent revolution 

At the launch of the 2nd Wold March for Peace and Nonviolence in Madrid, on October 2nd, International Nonviolence Day that commemorates Gandhi’s birth, Rafael de la Rubia said: “It should be said that this is not just a peripheral…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence enters Africa

By Antonio Gancedo After several members of the Base Team of the March in Tarifa came together, some from Seville and others from the Port of Santamaría, together they headed for Tangier in Morocco It is in Tarifa where several…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence begins tomorrow, International Nonviolence Day

Ten years after the 1ª World March our organization returns to continue reaching more people The 2nd WM begins in Madrid on 2 October, 2019, International Day of Nonviolence, ten years after the 1ªMM. It will leave in the direction of Africa, North…

Attention. Humanity will raise the attentional level when a great scare occurs

To pay attention is to get rid of the noise that thoughts provoke, these take you from one subject to another without control, at the mercy of the worries, climates and reveries that invade us. Attention is surely one of…

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