
Humanism and Spirituality

Humanist Educators reflections about the actual world crisis evidencies by the pandemic

We are educators from different countries in Latin America that adhere to the Universalist Humanist Pedagogical Current (Copehu) with the need to deepen our reflections, understand the moment humanity is going through – and therefore education -, clarify aspirations, within…

Security and Stability: a Paradigm to be Modified

Chocolate is an unstable compound: a slight increase in temperature is what it takes to alter its state, its composing substances do not combine perfectly. Perhaps this is also the reason why its making appears to be so fascinating. “Nothing…

After the end of one world

Auroville 2046 is a short story that its author and Pressenza make available today in 7 languages (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Catalan, German, Italian, Italian and English). To read and share.   This title would have been much less appropriate two…

Our Time

What is the epoch if not the whole of human intentions at work? The accumulation of history, all the traces of the constructed past, but also the aspirations of those who are alive, pushing the present in one direction or…

Are we Before the Possible ‘Awakening’ of Mankind?

A door has been opened and it is worthy to work on a new impulse for the humanization of the world. If we can be silent in this isolation, perhaps we will advance towards the awakening of the human being,…

How Did We End Up Here?

Every day, all day long, we are bombarded with updates and analyses about COVID-19, a virus that has stopped our one and only planet from “turning.” The whole world is on lockdown and almost everything has been shut down: businesses,…

Mad King Trump Angers the Gods

By Thom Hartmann In the 4,000-year-old “Epic of Gilgamesh,” the arrogant eponymous king killed Humbaba, the giant guardian of the forest so that he could cut down the cedar stands in what is now northern Iraq to build his great…

Silvia Swinden

I met her when we were very young, an intelligent Argentinean woman who lived in Barcelona during the years of the dictatorship. She was a psychiatrist, specializing in very serious cases, and moved to London to practice medicine, where she…

Civilized, Barbarians, Savages

Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service A civilization or culture is defined as a set of customs, traditions, ethics, values, language, music, dance, gastronomy, clothing, religion, and social and political organization of a people, ethnic group,…

European Humanist Forum postponed

Due to the spread of Covid-19 throughout Europe and, in particular, as a result of the severe measures taken in Italy to contain the contagion and the restrictions on travel to Italy by other countries, the organizing team, together with…

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