
Humanism and Spirituality

Join Multiconvergence at the World Social Forum!

As we mentioned a few days ago, Multiconvergence of Global Networks will participate in the WSF 2021, carrying out activities on the 24th and 27th of January. We will explain below the two events, which will be held with simultaneous…

The World Social Forum and the advances of global citizens networks

In these virtual times, even the World Social Forum is being organized and will take place over the Internet from 23rd to 31st January 2021. The Multiconvergence of Global Networks (MRG) will be present with its own activities (Jan. 24th…

Poem: Beginners

What can help in these uncertain times, when everything around us seems to waver, half-truths mix with apparent lies, structures decay, boundaries blur? What can and should one still believe? The answer is certainly not to be found outside, but…

The most important thing: what crisis are we talking about?

If we have anything to thank the COVID-19 pandemic for, it is that it has precipitated and made transparent a crisis that has been predicted by many for quite some time. We all talk about crises today, but the degrees…

Consistency and efficiency: Aspirations and challenges of humanist parties

Today, Wednesday January 6th, marks the 83rd anniversary of the birth of the ideologue of the New Universalist Humanism, the Argentine philosopher Mario Rodríguez Cobos, better known by his pseudonym, Silo. At the beginning of the 1990s, in the midst…

Youssef: the death of a shipwrecked six-month- old baby boy

December 18, International Day of the Migrant Mérica Mérica Mérica, Cosa sarà là sta America Mérica Mérica Mérica L’è un bel mazzolino di fior (Mérica… What would this America be? Mérica… is a beautiful bundle of flowers – a popular…

California State of Mind

On November 1, the seven-day average for new daily cases of COVID-19 in California was 4,183; on December 17 it was 38,774. The California Department of Public Health announced 379 COVID-19 deaths on December 17, the state’s highest one-day total…

Experience a Parliament of Planetary Citizenship in 2021?

Several global networks in search of Multiconvergence met on 05.12.20 to discuss, under the coordination of Convivialism Transnational, the proposal to create a Parliament of Planetary Citizenship. Mobilized by the networks, about 60 people from different countries like Brazil (from…

Songs for the Sala: Songs of Inspiration and Hope

Listening to the tracks in this album, a collaboration among artists on five continents of songs inspired by the teachings and projects of Mario Rodriques Cobos (better known as Silo, writer, teacher, guide and founder of the Humanist Movements spiritual…

Building humanistic views on health

Last Sunday, REHUNO Health participated in the 5th Latin American Humanist Forum with the panel on “building humanistic views in health”, moderated by journalist Cloty Rubio, from Barcelona. The event included six presentations from professionals in different areas of health:…

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