
Humanism and Spirituality

Interview with Humanist Social Reformer Tony Robinson

Our humanity is facing one of the most profound challenges we have ever faced. We find ourselves in uncharted territory, as COVID-19 has put in question everything that we currently know and believe. In a few months the world has changed like never before and will continue to change drastically…

A Commonality

By Luca DiMatteo I usually write blogs that share a conglomeration of information on a topic I come across, but this is more of an op-ed observation mixed with some insight. As the number of COVID-19 articles begins to decrease,…

We are all Homeland

In my country, Argentina, Kirchnerism has made a sentence famous: “Home is the other”, which I paraphrased in the title. I have always considered it the vernacular synthesis of the concept “the human being as a central value” and of…

Isolation and Interconnectedness: A Common Experience

     Do not imagine that you are alone in your village, in your city, on the Earth or among the infinite worlds.      –From the Path, Message of Silo.      Once upon a while back, in the…

Tomás Hirsch: The Pandemic Could Generate New and Very Interesting Responses

Pandemic, activism, social protests, neoliberal system, solidarity, social, personal and spiritual perspectives ; we discussed all these topics, with Thomas Hirsch, Chilean humanist deputy. The emergence of the coronavirus puts us in a new scenario and destabilizing for all. This change…

Pandora’s Box: Hope in the Time of Covid-19

It would seem that a Pandora’s box of sickness and death has been unleashed by the virus that has been wreaking havoc over the whole planet. But, when all is said and done, is this latest pandemic a boon or…

UN refugee chief calls for solidarity during Ramadan

As holy month begins amid the coronavirus pandemic, Filippo Grandi asks us to remember almost 70 million people forcibly uprooted from their homes. عربي Ramadan wishes during coronavirus pandemic (Vicky Tennant, producer / Alex St-Denis, camera/editor) Assalamualaikum With the Holy Month…

True Solidarity

A Call to Humanists from Diverse Backgrounds Who Seek to Build a COMMON FUTURE At this moment, while the powerful continue to rely on the interests of a few, normal people respond with solidarity, starting with health personnel, continuing with…

And now?

A never existing restlessness has come over the planet. Not in the streets, but in our homes and houses. That isolation pushes us to think and to ask ourselves questions. When we begin to think about ourselves and our loved…

Review of “Transcendental Experience – Methodology for an Ascesis supported by a Chamber of Sensory Suppression”, a book by several authors

We publish a brief review of this new book from Editorial Virtual, which according to the data on its cover, is written by two Italians (Federico Palumbo and Fulvio Faro), a French (Michel Darracq), two Spaniards (Quim de Riba and…

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