
Humanism and Spirituality

May Force and Love Be with Us

The 18th June, Pressenza France published an article with the title “Dismissals of workers and new normality”, which consisted basically of pictures of workers protesting in Ecuador. After the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of unemployed has increased considerably. This fact…

Ecumenical Patriarch “saddened and shaken” by Turkish plans to turn Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia into mosque

By: Mada Jurado The leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople (Istanbul), recently expressed his concern over Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s plans to convert the Hagia Sophia basilica into a mosque. The patriarch told the Washington Post: “What…

The Scent of India

In these times of social isolation due to coronavirus, my mind travels to India, where I once lived swathed in its jasmine perfume. I see its white sands; the sea that bathes its Goan beaches; the bluish red of its…

Denialism: Denying Reality Hurts Everyone and Delays the Common Good.

We live in a world that changes daily. The new coronavirus pandemic puts us to the test. The wheel of science spins as fast as it can and has never been closer to us. Inviting us to understand phenomena such…

Free Your Mind And Your Ass, Which Is Not Separate From Your Mind, Will Follow (A Case For Universal Consciousness)

By Mark Lesseraux Disclaimer: What you are about to read might rattle you a little. It might shake you up a bit. It also might not rattle you or shake you up at all. In fact you might be quite…

Declare a State of Moral Emergency

By Peter Geffen Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd, but I am responsible. Sixty years ago Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel pointed to the reality of our moral situation then. His words ring truer today than ever: “In a free society, some…

The Space In Between

by Marites Guingona-Africa In this in-between place of quarantine, our lives have been put on hold. For so many weeks we have waited and wondered when we can go out and return to our normal lives again, when we can…

The system is going to fall soon… everywhere. Part 2

What we can do…concretely A few months ago we wrote an article with the same title as the present one. That was before the Covid-19 virus. At that time it seemed unreal that this system which at that moment appeared…

Tale to Love

This tale was written by Laurence Baranski at the beginning of May 2020. Any resemblance to the earthly situation would be purely coincidental … VIDEO: Like all tales, this one begins with “Once upon a time …” It was happening…

Direct Communication, a Pillar of Health.

Direct communication with those around us is a need that we all experience and is a pillar of physical, mental, personal and social health. We need to communicate on issues that are common to all. We also need to communicate…

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