
Humanism and Spirituality

Be Bold!

Sometimes, the craziest encounters happen when you least expect it. For instance, on a plane to New York, where I was accidentally moved to another seat and found myself sitting next to Michael Christopher, an emeritus professor from California. On…

Liberty of Thought, Conscience, Religion, and Belief

25 November is the anniversary date of the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion and Belief.  The Declaration of 25 November 1981 builds upon Article 18 of the Universal…

Towards a new culture: reconciliation as a liberating experience

By Susana Chialina* The so called countries and their different constitutions come from thousands of years of obsolete social models and systems. They are archaic, discriminating and violent and have shaped a revengeful type of culture which today is deeply…

Beyond empires, the Universal Human Nation

The post-election landscape in the United States of America is an indecent spectacle. Once again the discrepancy between the discourse that propagates democratic values and actual political practice in that country is confirmed. Various analysts have pointed out on many…

Letter of Support to the 5th Latin-American Humanist Forum

This 5th Latin American Humanist Forum may be the most important forum in a generation. It arrives in the middle of a planetary pandemic that is affecting billions of people and paralyzing everything from transport to the economy to the…

Cardinals join religious leaders in over 90 countries in recommitting to build “bridges of love, compassion and care” after terror attacks

By Mada Jurado Cardinals Charles Bo of Myanmar, Blase Cupich of the US, Dieudonné Nzapalainga of the Central African Republic, Philippe Ouédraogo of Burkina Faso, Luis Antonio Tagle of the Vatican and Damasceno Assis of Brazil have joined religious leaders…

The wise rogue, Luis Ammann, has died

The wise rogue got tired of fighting and left us early this morning. He left us, that is to say, because beyond those first feelings of loneliness and emptiness, what quickly flooded those of us who loved him was the…

Luis Alberto Ammann

I have in my hands the book Self-Liberation, on the inside cover of which you can read a brief review of its author, our dear friend Luis, who died last night at the Argerich Hospital in Buenos Aires where he…

The World Center for Humanist Studies launches a campaign to endorse the Humanist Document

“Throughout history, human beings have been the protagonists of many revolutions in many fields. These evolutionary, non-linear leaps have occurred at times when social organization and current values were no longer able to respond to the needs of growing human…

This is What We Really Need. ASAP

Our “modern” society is facing many challenges, each one as important as the next: the environment, economy, violence, health, education, security, energy, food, concentration of capital, unemployment, etc. It seems every social leader and politician has plans to respond to…

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