
Humanism and Spirituality

Humanizing the World vs Going Back to Normal

After months of waiting, the highspeed vaccination train is finally leaving the station, and hopefully, soon, they’ll be room for everyone on board. It is perhaps the first time in history that every human being on our planet has faced…

Bila Bangans celebrate UN International Women’s Day

2021 Phil. National Women’s Month Celebration March 1-31, 2021 as reported by Genevieve Balance Kupang Against the backdrop of the picturesque, majestic mountains, women servant-leaders and the Barangay Health Workers (BHW) of Bila join the 2021 National Women’s Month Celebration…

Hezbollah praises Pope’s visit to Iraq

Lebanon’s Hezbollah on Tuesday hailed Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq and his meeting with Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani. Both religious leaders agreed on the need to ease the suffering, injustice, oppression, poverty, religious and intellectual persecution, wars, violence…

Women who build the future, towards a nonviolent culture

Starting March 8, International Women’s Day, Pressenza will publish a series of video interviews entitled “Women who build the future, Towards a nonviolent culture ”. We will begin the series with Vandana Shiva (India), followed by Maria Khan (india),  Giulia…

A collection of reflections

Looks/Landscapes         by Thelma F. Reymundo-Juarez             Footnote: Regarding this collection of reflections, the writer says: “ I do believe in showing bits and pieces from one’s ” conditions of origins/ landscapes…

There Is Only Us

“There is no us vs. them…there is only us.” -Hal Strickland “It is so tempting to personify good and evil, to locate each in the person of whomever appears most conspicuously in the dramas offered for our consumption. One side…

Approaching Human Security

The following article was first published in the November 2020 edition of Cadmus, the journal of the South-East European Division of The World Academy of Art and Science. The current paradigm through which the most influential nations pursue security is…

Living the spirit of harmony and solidarity amidst Co-vid 19 in a wounded world

Uniharmony Partners Manila (UPM) 2021 World Interfaith Harmony Week Webinar Celebration By Genevieve Balance Kupang This year’s celebration of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) among Uniharmony Partners Manila (UPM), is exceptional given the context of the pandemic and…

A Beacon of Hope from A Buddhist Leader in the Face of Crises

Like the United Nations, the global community-based Buddhist organisation Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a beacon of hope to a world shrouded by dark clouds of unprecedented crises. An international association of the Soka Gakkai and an NGO in consultative…

Sacred Spaces

VISUAL ARTS: PHOTOGRAPHY         Photographs by Boldy Tapales/Text by Karina Santillan Sometimes, you enter a place, and somehow you are imbued with a feeling, a sensibility, an experience that you have penetrated a space you could call…

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