
Humanism and Spirituality

Reflections on the climate crisis: ways out from the perspective of social ecology at the 8th International Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies

Within the framework of the 8th International Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies “A new humanism for a new world: plural exchanges from a world in crisis”, a series of activities have been organised to reflect on the…

The World Centre for Humanist Studies is organising its 8th Symposium “A New Humanism for a new world. Plural exchanges from a world in crisis”.

Interview with Daniel León, member of the organising team of the 8th International Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies. From the 16th to the 18th of April, under the slogan “A New Humanism for a new world. Plural…

The story of the Iranian new year, Nowruz, and why its themes of renewal and healing matter

ANCESTRAL CULTURE         by Pardis Mahdavi As the days grow longer and the flowers start to bloom, my 5-year-old gets excited and exclaims, “Nowruz is coming.” Nowruz – or “new day” in English – is the Iranian…

Holy Week in the Philippines: An Enduring Christian/FolkTradition

FEATURE       Writeup by Erlie Lopez/Photography by Orlando V Sionosa Jr. The Holy Week ending today in the whole Christendom speaks volumes on Filipinos. Until the surge in Covid-19 cases in the country necessitated strict restrictions on mass…

Report from the Place Where We Do Not Die

TESTIMONY           “We do not die…!” This was what, in astonished recognition, I told myself one day more than twenty years ago, when I stumbled without warning into the Place Where We Do Not Die. I…


POEM           When I sit here, like this, here With you by my side Friend– wise, kind, strong The storm inside my heart Calms down.   It is as if I enter the eye of the…

Invitation: Parliament of Planetary Citizenship

The discussion about the need to create a global governance of the common Earth starting from the peoples has been going on for a long time. Initiatives in this direction already exist and are very welcome. Saturday, 03/27/2021 02:00 PM…

Chronicle of the Ordinary Giants n°1

A few days ago, on March 11, we celebrated the “1 year” of our global and official entry into the pandemic (subsequently qualified as an epidemic, that’s another story). When I say “we”, it is really us, all humans, humanity. One year…

Building a Planetary Citizen’s Parliament

Growing slowly, but steadily, the Multiconvergence of Global Networks continues to build bridges and promote common actions. Continuing our engagement at the World Social Forum in January, we are now planning a new meeting on March 27 to advance the…


POEM         by Rem Tanauan In the hundreds of twisting, stretching legs and arms, this is the only pose I remember among all: To lie down, flat out on the ground. Open palms to the sky, fully…

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