
Humanism and Spirituality

Revenge for 9/11 Didn’t Work and Never Will

This year’s 9/11 commemoration opens the door for a new analysis of what went wrong with the US strategy in Afghanistan. At the beginning of August, President Biden ordered a pull out of US troops and negotiated with the Taliban…

Primaries in Argentina: “For a Humanist Cordoba”, Fernando Schüle, pre-candidate for deputy for the Humanist Party

What does it mean to vote for the Humanist Party in the primary elections on September 12th? I think that voting for the Humanist Party means voting for a Humanist Cordoba. It means realising that the politicians who have been…

Church and Peace grapples with the topic of Images of God and Nonviolence

From 3 to 5 September 2021, the annual general meeting and international conference of Church and Peace dealt with the topic of Images of God and (Non)Violence. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference took place online with more than…

Political leaders and thousands of people at Theodorakis’ farewell

The three-day mourning period for the tribute and last salute to the body of Mikis Theodorakis is concluded today with the presence of the President of the Republic, political leaders, people of spirit and personalities of the struggles and the…

The Arrow of Intention

POEM     Intention is an arrow Released through time. Moving across the arc of space Traveling through the air.   The arrow seeks its mark It’s trajectory is clear. Point by point it traces a course A path for…

Kenneth Kaunda, an African humanist who claimed to be a Gandhi – Part I

A few weeks ago the former president of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda passed away. Although he is not well known outside the English-speaking world, he deserves more than a brief paragraph in the history books. Kaunda was the leader of the…

Why a Humanist Social Network?

Social networks have become a very necessary tool in our daily coexistence, I think that for most people there is no doubt about it. By Hugo Rodriguez Ghiara Little by little they have entered our lives as a simple way…

Runasur: A project for cohesion in a fragmented world

“Let us live as brothers and sisters, united in one body. Let us take care of the protection and preservation of the Spaniards, Creoles, mestizos, Zambos and Indians because we are all compatriots, born in these lands and of the…

From the “Tokarev report” to the “Denisova report”

In 1981 Salvatore Puledda published his novel The Tókarev Report. At the time, the Humanist Movement was at its peak. Only 12 years had passed since Silo had delivered his harangue “The Healing of Suffering” in Punta de Vacas. There…

Leaving The Matrix Part 3 – The Heart Shaped Doorway

On A Personal Note I started writing this “Leaving The Matrix” series about two and a half months ago. Initially I was excited at the prospect of arranging the ideas I’ve been encountering, contemplating and testing over the last four…

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