
Humanism and Spirituality

Carcarañá Park of Study and Reflection celebrated its 13th anniversary

A sunny autumn day where the cold was displaced by Human Warmth Referents of various organisations of the International Humanist Movement, Communities of Silo’s Message, neighbours and friends of the Park, celebrated together this anniversary. A variety of activities and…

Listening to the Indigenous Voices. Re-Kindling Spirit

Monday, May 16TH,  9 AM PDT, 4 PM GMT As we internalize what the Empirical cultures have wrought, the root cause is humankind, and with it the need for introspective reflection on the part religions have played. This should lead…

Intervention by Tomás Hirsch on 4 May 2022 in the Chilean Parliament

We publish here the text and the video of the intervention of the humanist deputy Tomás Hirsch before the Chilean Congress, commemorating the 53rd anniversary of the Silo’s “The Healing of Suffering” that gave origin to the Humanist Movement: 53…

53 years ago, on 4th May 1969, Silo gave a Message that launched a new process for humanity.

On May 4, 1969, some two hundred people came to a remote place in the Andes Mountains to listen to a man named Silo. The Healing of Suffering This is Silo’s first public expression of his ideas. In poetic language,…

Emanuela Widmar

I met her in Rome and we always saw each other there, except on the very few occasions when we met in her beautiful house in Attigliano. She was a luminous, amusing, friendly, funny and direct friend, a person you…

Love Is A Scary Tale

The time for war and violence is over. Now is the time to cease the fires that are still hurting our human integrity. And for all of us in whom this simple fact has not fully surfaced in awareness, the…

May 7: Day of experience and inspiration with the slogan Nonviolence is the future!

With the slogan “Nonviolence is the future”, a day of “experience and inspiration” is being organised on May 7 in the Toledo Park of Study and Reflection. It will begin at 12 noon and end around 8 pm. It is…

Launch of the “Walk for Peace and Active Nonviolence”.

Between the 4th of May and the 23rd of October, a national campaign for Peace and Active Nonviolence will take place, culminating in a festival and a walk to the Park of Study and Reflection Ihuanco from the 15th to…

Compassion and Healing for Humanity: Experimenting with doing Post-Materialist Politics

Multiconvergence of Global Networks – MRG promotes an encounter inspired by the methodologies of the Theatre of the Oppressed and Family Constellations. It will take place at the World Social Forum 2022, on 05.05.22, at 11am Brasília, in online mode,…

On April 3rd took place the Asian Peace Conference organised by the Coordinating Committee of the Asian Humanist Forum.

The conference was called in response to the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine, by participating organisations in the Universalist Humanist Forum Asia to take place in November this year. Most presenters represent grass root social movements promoters of active nonviolence. Many…

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