
Humanism and Spirituality

Engaging Moral Imagination for Co-creative Interfaith Actions

HUMAN FRATERNITY AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE: SEEING GOD IN THE ‘OTHER’  #4/4 by Genevieve Balance-Kupang On Interreligious Dialogue Thank you for reading this series’ 1st, 2nd, & 3rd articles: /12/human-fraternity-and-interreligious-dialogue-seeing-god-in-the-other-1-4/. https://www. For the past days, the bases for…

“Some clues for nonviolence”: 12 – Integrating and overcoming duality

We transmit to you the study “Some clues for nonviolence” carried out by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where are we going? 2- The difficult transition from violence…

Religion at the Service of Fraternity (fratelli tutti) Human Fraternity and Interreligious Dialogue: Seeing God in the ‘Other’ (cont’d) #3/4

by Victoria Corral and Genevieve Balance-Kupang On Interreligious Dialogue  Thank you for reading this series’ first and second articles: /12/human-fraternity-and-interreligious-dialogue-seeing-god-in-the-other-1-4/. 12/human-fraternity-and-interreligious-dialogue-seeing-god-in-the-other-contd-2-4/. Bro. Maksimilianus Daham (Indonesia); Lucknold Louis-Jean (Haiti), Bro. Bitsong Mouchili Frederic (Cameroon), Huai-En Yu Joseph (Taiwan) leading…

Dorothy Day, The Miracle of Conversion

This week our U.S. Congress passed its largest military budget of all time. A collective grave sin of empire, what this nation was founded to stand against. In contrast, last night in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Cardinal Timothy Dolan waves his…

La Salle Academy Celebrates Mindanao Week of Peace with a Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony

by Jay Velez and Fernando I. Sanding   ON PEACE POLE DEDICATION and PEACE EDUCATION  La Salle Academy (LSA) located in Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Mindanao celebrated the 23rd Mindanao Week of Peace (MWOP) last November 25 to December…

Bibliodrama: A Transformative Word

An Interview with Sr. Anne-Marie Brittain, NDS about her book Bibliodrama: A Transformative Word. by Genevieve Balance-Kupang   Words have the power to maim and to lame as well as to heal and transform. -Brittain, 2021  Thank you, dear subscribers, for…

Human Fraternity and Interreligious Dialogue: Seeing God in the ‘Other’’ (cont’d) #2/4

ON INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE     by Romeo Sani Ndzengi and Genevieve Balance Kupang The Call to Dialogue: The Church Response  Thank you for reading the first part of this series. In case you missed the previous article, here is the…

Human fraternity and interreligious dialogue: Seeing God in the “other” #1/4

On Interreligious Dialogue by Ferdinand ‘Makoy’ Marcos and Genevieve Balance Kupang  Awakening the Self to an Awareness of the ‘Other’ and the Need for Dialogue  The Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae (CICM) or Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in…

Silence as a path and spiritual encounter

We spoke with Arash Arjomandi and Pablo d’Ors, on the occasion of the dialogue they held in Madrid (Casa Asia), entitled “‘Abdu’l Bahá, the master of spirituality without borders”. While Arjomandi introduced us more to the figure of ‘Abdu’l Bahá,…

Face 2 Face with Tomás Hirsch

LIVE SHOW on Thursday, November 25th at 8 AM EST On this show, we speak with Tomás Hirsch, Member of Parliament in Chile for Acción Humanista since Nov 2017, who won the just held elections. We discuss beside the campaign,…

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