
Humanism and Spirituality

May 7: Day of experience and inspiration with the slogan Nonviolence is the future!

With the slogan “Nonviolence is the future”, a day of “experience and inspiration” is being organised on May 7 in the Toledo Park of Study and Reflection. It will begin at 12 noon and end around 8 pm. It is…

Launch of the “Walk for Peace and Active Nonviolence”.

Between the 4th of May and the 23rd of October, a national campaign for Peace and Active Nonviolence will take place, culminating in a festival and a walk to the Park of Study and Reflection Ihuanco from the 15th to…

Compassion and Healing for Humanity: Experimenting with doing Post-Materialist Politics

Multiconvergence of Global Networks – MRG promotes an encounter inspired by the methodologies of the Theatre of the Oppressed and Family Constellations. It will take place at the World Social Forum 2022, on 05.05.22, at 11am Brasília, in online mode,…

On April 3rd took place the Asian Peace Conference organised by the Coordinating Committee of the Asian Humanist Forum.

The conference was called in response to the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine, by participating organisations in the Universalist Humanist Forum Asia to take place in November this year. Most presenters represent grass root social movements promoters of active nonviolence. Many…

EDUHRED’s new Agora on education as the basis of a nonviolent community, with Anabella Coiro

Humanist Educators in Network (EDUHRED) presents its Agora with Anabella Coiro, on education as a basis for building a community based on nonviolence. It will take place next Sunday, April 24, at 12 pm in Argentina. For those who do…

A new beacon to illuminate the Way of St. James

A new beacon to light up the Way of St. James A new beacon will soon begin to light up the Way of St. James. A beacon that already illuminates the heart of its promoters. The project, launched by the…

System change and mental form

Don’t let a day go by without answering who you are. Don’t let a day go by without answering where you are going[1]. As humanity, we are living through a series of global crises, between the covid pandemic, the erosion…

A new planetary configuration after the war in Ukraine, II

The Phoenix bird is a figure present in several Eastern cultures, known in Russian mythology as Anivia. Every five hundred years it is consumed in fire and is reborn from its ashes. For civilisations it symbolises hope, poise, memory and…

Humanists Interconnected: Why Their Stories Matter

On a school trip to Central Italy in April 2014, I met Italian film director Paolo Bianchini, who together with Paola Rota, create and produce artistic, meaningful films full of social value with their enterprise, Alveare Cinema. These films of…

A new planetary configuration after the war in Ukraine I

Kamila Valieva is representative of Western irrationality in the face of self-improvement and elegance. More photos of the young skater: Kamila Valieva Beijing 2022 –  Facebook As a result of the war in Ukraine, we are apparently witnessing a new…

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