
Humanism and Spirituality

Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne 1931-2024: Founder of Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka

Born November 5th 1931, Dr. Ahangamage Tudor Ariyaratne founded Sri Lanka’s Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement. The concept of “Shrama-dana” directly translates as “donating your labour”, a concept adopted by A.T.Ariyaratne when working as a high school teacher at Nalanda College, where…

#ECSA To build another Europe, activists from the entire continent meet in Marseille

From April 26 to 28, hundreds of social movement activists will converge on Marseille from all over Europe. Associations, trade unions, NGOs and local collectives want to make the voice of civil society heard for a social, ecological, pacifist, and…

Rethinking Global Peace: Addressing Militarization and the Future of Governance

Global military spending surges amid war, rising tensions, and insecurity. New data on global military spending from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has been released. (Stockholm, 22 April 2024) Total global military expenditure reached $2443 billion in 2023,…

Perceptions Of Social Dominance And How To Change Them

It’s surprising that human infants as young as 10 months may be able to identify social rank. Research suggests that infants learn to distinguish who around them is dominant, using relative body size as a cue. By Marjorie Hecht Experiments by University…

We have always migrated, “children of the earth”.

Introduction In ancient times, in the Stone Age, people had to move from one place to another to move their herds seasonally in search of fresh pasture and water. Transhumance was common in those days. There were no borders, no…

The relevance – and necessity – of a humanist vision

On 16 April 1993, Mario Rodríguez Cobos, better known by his literary pseudonym SILO, gave a lecture at the Autonomous University of Madrid entitled “Current Vision of Humanism”. Thirty-one years after this event, it is worth asking whether it would…

The humanist Dr Bernardita Zalisñak at the head of the Faculty of Humanities at Concordia, Argentina.

The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences – UADER, Mg. María Gracia Benedetti and the Vice Dean Lic. Daniel Richar was present in the city of Concordia to accompany the inauguration of the new director, lawyer…

Argentina: Humanist Party files lawsuit against Milei, his cabinet, and the Supreme Court

The secretary general of the Argentine Humanist Party, Fernando Schüle, has filed a criminal complaint with the Comodoro Py courts, requesting an investigation into possible crimes committed by President Javier Milei and members of his cabinet, even involving members of…

Lord Mallinatha, Goddess Padmavati and the Jain feminism

Whether the Jain philosophy and the related treatises were written from the perspective of Vedic or Sramanic tradition or whether those were the result of the mélange between the local and the Vedic elements that gradually happened over centuries –…

Last day of the International Book and Social Sciences Fair Recoleta 2024 (FILCS)

After an unforgettable experience for lovers of literature and critical thinking, FILCS, which opened on the 4th of this month and has become the epicenter of intellectual debate, closes today, Sunday 14th April, in the main square of the Recoleta…

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