
Humanism and Spirituality

Dialogues with Enric Benito – Interview 3 – “Wisdom, courage and compassion in the process of dying”.

From Rehuno Salud and in a joint work with the organisation Al final de la Vida we talked to Dr. Enric Benito about the humanisation of the end-of-life process. On the taboos that exist, what is the good death, palliative…

Daniel León presented “The Legacy of Akop” on the impending singularity that will transform humanity

On Thursday 30 June, the presentation of the most recent book by the prominent humanist Daniel León took place. Singularity: “In the middle of this century the process of four billion years of evolution will be completed. I like to…

We’re Here To Become As Conscious As Possible

If there is a purpose of human life, as near as I can tell from these severely limited sense organs and this very limited brain, it’s to become as conscious as possible. If you were given a video game to…

40 Years Ago: Faith leaders of every and all persuasions from around the country and world gathered June 11th, 1982 at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC.

This wasn’t a one time phenomena, but carefully orchestrated event with decades of involvement and planning. June 11th’s Convocation became a vital part of a week dedicated to ridding the world of nuclear weapons a week put together by scores…

Carcarañá Park of Study and Reflection celebrated its 13th anniversary

A sunny autumn day where the cold was displaced by Human Warmth Referents of various organisations of the International Humanist Movement, Communities of Silo’s Message, neighbours and friends of the Park, celebrated together this anniversary. A variety of activities and…

Listening to the Indigenous Voices. Re-Kindling Spirit

Monday, May 16TH,  9 AM PDT, 4 PM GMT As we internalize what the Empirical cultures have wrought, the root cause is humankind, and with it the need for introspective reflection on the part religions have played. This should lead…

Intervention by Tomás Hirsch on 4 May 2022 in the Chilean Parliament

We publish here the text and the video of the intervention of the humanist deputy Tomás Hirsch before the Chilean Congress, commemorating the 53rd anniversary of the Silo’s “The Healing of Suffering” that gave origin to the Humanist Movement: 53…

53 years ago, on 4th May 1969, Silo gave a Message that launched a new process for humanity.

On May 4, 1969, some two hundred people came to a remote place in the Andes Mountains to listen to a man named Silo. The Healing of Suffering This is Silo’s first public expression of his ideas. In poetic language,…

Emanuela Widmar

I met her in Rome and we always saw each other there, except on the very few occasions when we met in her beautiful house in Attigliano. She was a luminous, amusing, friendly, funny and direct friend, a person you…

Love Is A Scary Tale

The time for war and violence is over. Now is the time to cease the fires that are still hurting our human integrity. And for all of us in whom this simple fact has not fully surfaced in awareness, the…

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