
Humanism and Spirituality

The inner look and the re-emergence of spirit, intentionality and nature

In this paper, we will try to show how, in those moments of re-encounter with the spiritual, the intentional and the living, the human consciousness operates in a different way than historically usual. By David Sámano I would first like…

Roger Waters Questioned in Depth About Ukraine, Russia, Israel, U.S.

By Berliner Zeitung, February 4, 2023 The original at the link above is in German. This translation was provided to World BEYOND War by Roger Waters. Roger Waters can rightly claim to be the mastermind behind Pink Floyd. He came up…

War and Peace: Animosity and Insanity Destroying the Earth and Humanity

The hell of human suffering, evil and oppression is paved with good intentions. The men who have most injured and oppressed humanity, who have most deeply sinned against it, were according to their standards and their conscience, good men; what…

World Hug Day: Sophia Fox initiatives

The video from La Volpe Sophia (Sophia the Fox)  “The Embrace” has been released these days to correspond with World Embrace Day, which takes place on January 21.  We talk about it with Andrea Lucisano, author of the song and…

The concept of region from a humanist perspective. The case of North America

In this essay, we offer three reflections on Mexico, Canada and the United States, a region that crosses political borders and in which universalist humanist values are likely to gain ground in the face of intolerance, xenophobia and economic exploitation.…

Hindu ecology, the interconnectedness in the All One. Interview with Gloria Germani – Part II

Below is the second part of the interview on Hindu ecology with Gloria Germani, an ecophilosopher who has always been engaged in dialogue between West and East, a student of philosopher Serge Latouche, Swedish ecologist Helena Norberg Hodge, and Titian…

Humanist attitudes in the peoples of Mexico and the world

In this paper we will understand by people, the “different forms of historical communities (tribe, nation, etc.) (Silo, 2002:587) that emerge for “traditionalist motivations” (Poirier, 1992:8). By David Sámano In January 1994, the “Humanist Cultural Days” were held in Mexico,…

Hindu ecology, the interconnectedness in the All One. Interview with Gloria Germani – Part I

Ganesh, god of wisdom Climate collapse is part of a much larger environmental and social turmoil, which requires us to reflect on the values and direction taken by our Western industrial civilization. Hindu ecology, older than Buddhist and Jain ecology,…

What was humanity’s first cultural revolution?

We live in a fast-paced age dominated by technology. Happiness is ephemeral and everything is replaceable or disposable. It is understandable that people are attracted to utopian ideas. Many find refuge in the concept of a ‘return’ to an idealized…

The Inner Guide is something more than a psychological mechanism

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are launching a place of exchange where we find a new look at daily life based on experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some concrete…

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