
Humanism and Spirituality

Oldest Interfaith Organization in America Calls for Children to Have More Rights Than Guns

The Fellowship of Reconciliation, the oldest interfaith peace organization in the United States, established in 1915, is horrified at the senseless loss of seven lives – three children and four adults, including the 28-year-old shooter – today in Nashville, Tennessee.…

The colours are in you – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

“No country can claim to be free of racism. It is a worldwide preoccupation and the fight to end racism requires a universal effort”. The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action From Convergence of Cultures-Chile, which is a universalist humanist…

The Centre for Humanist Studies of Buenos Aires celebrates its 20th anniversary

The Centre for Humanist Studies of Buenos Aires will celebrate its first 20 years of existence on Saturday 25th March in the Park of Studies and Reflection La Reja (Alfonsina Storni 1568, La Reja, Buenos Aires), starting at noon. When…

Loneliness – the system’s recipe

One of the main objectives of the neoliberal project, which is also its method, is the atomisation of the social – human – being into a thousand schizophrenic splinters of personal pseudo-freedoms and pseudo-independences. We can look for the crudest…

On ideologies, their triumphs and failures

After Francis Fukuyama decreed the end of ideologies in his book The End of History and the Last Man (1992) and after a large number of intellectuals, thinkers and activists raised dissonant voices [1], the intellectual world has had to…

Something unknown is fast approaching

It has long been said: “The world is on the brink of great change” and indeed there have been great changes. As historical time speeds up, the more vertiginous. By Javier Belda Today we dream of adding to the statement:…

Buddhist monastic shares their journey of forging a healthy relationship between their queerness and their faith

“My faith has helped me with my queerness and my queerness helps me in making my faith inclusive” by Tashi Choedup From the time I was a child, it was my faith that kept me grounded, and that gradually gave…

Possession, an impulse that affects us all

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are launching a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives concrete…

Face 2 Face with Tony Robinson

On this show, we speak with Tony Robinson about the situation in Europe and his latest article published on Pressenza titled “We must stop the march towards World War III, now!” requesting “The foundations of a new peace movement“. Tony…

The equality revolution

The process of women’s liberation, alternative sexualities, old masculinity (image of being a man) and its forms of expression. By Gladys Mendoza Jaque Always, on the way to achieving greater human freedom, it is necessary to overcome cultural, economic and…

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