
Humanism and Spirituality

Buddhist monastic shares their journey of forging a healthy relationship between their queerness and their faith

“My faith has helped me with my queerness and my queerness helps me in making my faith inclusive” by Tashi Choedup From the time I was a child, it was my faith that kept me grounded, and that gradually gave…

Possession, an impulse that affects us all

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are launching a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives concrete…

Face 2 Face with Tony Robinson

On this show, we speak with Tony Robinson about the situation in Europe and his latest article published on Pressenza titled “We must stop the march towards World War III, now!” requesting “The foundations of a new peace movement“. Tony…

The equality revolution

The process of women’s liberation, alternative sexualities, old masculinity (image of being a man) and its forms of expression. By Gladys Mendoza Jaque Always, on the way to achieving greater human freedom, it is necessary to overcome cultural, economic and…

Thinking about Purim 2023:

Each Spring Judaism celebrates the holiday of Purim based upon the story found in the biblical Book of Esther. The holiday has always been marked by a balance of fun and seriousness. Children and adults dress in costume and humorous…

Time and energy control

In order to understand what historical moment we find ourselves in, it is not only about the geopolitics of the great powers, it is about seeing history in its present dynamic, trying to observe the interaction of various factors. Transhumanism…

Care and its field of co-presence – I thought that…

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are launching a place of exchange where we find a new look at daily life based on experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some concrete…

The Traveller and Her Shadow

A Tale of Real Reconciliation that Leads to Real Peace   A while back, a group of dear friends, fellow humanists, got together, inspired to make a video on reconciliation, a theme close to their hearts. The video was set…

New Logics for new generations’ by M. Angélica Soler Carreras, a tool for thinking and building another future

The application of the triple vision implied by the Dynamic Structural Method “resolves very profound questions, very deep questions and it is worth investigating”. According to Soler Carreras, it is a method that can help to understand the complex present…

Let’s talk about reconciliation: What good has the Argentina-UK enmity over the Falklands done us?

One evening in November 2019, I went to a bar with some British classmates. Of course, as the only international student, one of them asked where I was from. After hearing ‘Argentina’, something snapped within her brain and automatically asked:…

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