
Humanism and Spirituality

Communal Harmony in Bangladesh must be maintained

Bangladesh is a country of multi-ethnic culture where people belonging to different religious, racial, cultural, and lingual identities live together harmoniously. Religious harmony has existed in Bengali culture for thousands of years. In Muslim-majority Bangladesh, the Hindus continue to remain…

Waking Up Each Day

A poem bestowed on me One morning upon waking up… To carry forth this aging body Wearing lovely memories Like a richly embroidered robe Exuding warmth of protection.   To carry forth in each moment Stepping lightly Like a free…


A POEM   Despite all the destituteness of the times All poverty of soul and spirit. Despite all rancor, greed and violence.   Despite all terrors of the night All tears and twilight sighs. Despite all shadows and eclipses of…

Victor Piccinini: Love, kindness and compassion, necessary elements in the art of accompaniment at the end of life

Accompanying people who are going through critical moments due to illness or approaching the end of their lives is a noble deed full of meaning and sense. It is an action that does not require particular personal skills, but it…

To O

  We are stronger than we think. We are deeper than we feel. We are wider than our gaze. We are endless, like the sky.   We are forever, as the stars. We are eternal, luminous suns. We are everything,…

In Belgrade, Art Meets Faith: The Premiere of People of Christ. Our Time with Kusturica and Global Voices

On September 18 in Belgrade I received two invitations, one for a solemn evening at the Embassy of the largest country in the world, and the second, which I could not avoid attending: the press premiere of the film “People…

Singer-songwriter/Producer Chris Wells: Planting Peace and Opening a Heart that’s Peaceful, Fearless and Free

Meet Chris Wells…a songwriter, actor, teacher, and Siloist based in New York City. Since the early 90s, he has been part of the Humanist Movement, an all-volunteer international movement launched by Silo, working for deep social and personal change through…

Political Collapse: Lessons From Fallen Empires

Our investigation of the disastrous society-wide collapses of four premodern polities, China’s Ming Dynasty, the South Asian Mughal Empire, the High Roman Empire, and Renaissance Venice led to the discovery of an unexpected historical pattern. This revelation was not evident…

Meeting of the Commissions of the European Parks of Study and Reflection

At the initiative of the Parc La Belle Idée Commission (France, Paris region), twenty-five people, all members of the commissions of European Parks for Study and Reflection, met at Bassevelle from August 30 to September 01. These Parks of Study…

First Humanist Congress in Buenos Aires prisons

On August 26, the First Humanist Congress was held in the prisons of Buenos Aires, organized by the Juan Miguel Scatolini University Center, belonging to ward 11 of penitentiary number 31 in the town of Florencio Varela. This event was…

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