
Humanism and Spirituality

The Exercise of the Charism of Infallibility Is Here and Now a Mandatum of Christlike Love: Infallibility and War

No one inside or outside the Catholic Church can reasonably call into question the good intentions of Popes who have denounced war on the world stage and who have proclaimed in encyclicals and pastoral letters the evils and destruction of war, and who…

Looking for the future (I): the inner Guide

These times we live in are very special. Ancient historical events such as the end of ancient Greece or the fall of Rome are nothing compared to the civilisational cataclysm we are living through. It will have to do away…

The “unique” interpretation of dreams

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we set up a place of exchange where we find a new look at daily life based on experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), which gives some concrete proposals…

An integral vision of health

Health is a fact that has preoccupied people and communities of all times and places. In the near past, after the Second World War, on 7 April 1948, the World Health Organization was created with the aim of building a…

Silo – a literary work and a universal thought to be known and recognised

On 23 May 1991, on the occasion of the launch of a collection of his work by Editorial Planeta, Silo gave a conference at the Teatro Gran Palace in Santiago de Chile, explaining some of the features of his literary…

Levels of consciousness – from sleep to awakening

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we set up a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some concrete…

The Interactive Exhibition “Peace and Active Nonviolence Now!” in Huancayo

In the framework of the VII International Book Fair of Huancayo (FILH) which opens this May 26th in central Peru, the Centro de Estudios Humanistas Nueva Civilización will present the Interactive Exhibition “Peace and Active Nonviolence Now!” to improve the…

Humanist Party – ‘There are not too many people, there is too much violence’.

The Humanist Party is standing in the municipal and regional elections on 28 May to say that “there is no surplus of people, there is a surplus of violence”. Its proposals, set out in the Municipal Humanist Plan, aim for…

Nikolai Roerich, from the Himalayas

Looking around me, I observe people inside their oppressive thoughts, inside cars, walking in the city in a hurry towards inexcusable places. I stop and think of a great spiritual guide, who watches from the peaks of the Himalayas. By…

Join this journey toward the Universal Human Nation

The Federation of Humanist Parties (IHP) has launched a three-day worldwide campaign from 19-21 May under the slogan “From Destructive Capitalism to the Universal Human Nation“. The main objective is to denounce capitalism as a prehistoric and inhuman system and…

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