
Humanism and Spirituality

On nuclear weapons on the world day of nonviolence

October 2nd marks the World Day of Nonviolence, the anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian Independence movement. For Gandhi, it was a question of not submitting to the subjugation that led to the suffering…

A reconciliation to advance unitive acts

“If we seek sincere reconciliation with ourselves and with those who have hurt us intensely, it is because we want a profound transformation of our life. A transformation that removes it from the resentment in which, ultimately, no one is…

Nonviolent October begins in Ecuador

12 years ago, a group of humanists in Quito, Ecuador articulated as Espacio No Violento (Nonviolent Space) took the decision to convene organisations to make visible the nonviolent initiatives they had been implementing; thus, a first public, open and inclusive…

Statement by the Community for Human Development on the occasion of the International Day of Nonviolence

This article is also available to download in Hindi (PDF) In 2007, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly established the 2nd of October, Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, as the “International Day of Nonviolence”. This year, we celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of…

What to do with those who have hurt us

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we set up a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some…

How Can We Understand the Passage of Time?

Recent developments in the study of human prehistory hold clues about our times, our world, and ourselves. By Deborah Barsky and Jan Ritch-Frel We can all agree that most people want to know about their origins spanning from their family…

Death Cafés are spaces of respect, authenticity and active listening

What is a Death Café? I asked myself that question in March 2020, in the middle of my confinement. And a very special person, whom I now have the honour to call a friend, Glynis German, gave me the response.…

Humanising the Earth: The legacy of the Sage of the Andes

“… it is almost certain that one fine day a man of titanic soul will be born here – titans are the children of the mountains – who will write sovereign verses and will properly be the Ande that versifies.”…

The Climate Emergency and Planetary Citizenship

The Multiconvergence of Global Networks (MRG) is resuming the dynamic of meetings that we proposed last March. We are going to host the next meeting, whose theme is of the utmost urgency and of global reach: the Climate Emergency, which…

Those who are left over

How is it possible that “they” (said elite) have so much power over us, that they are able to make us believe in a reality that is simply an exercise of strategies on a chessboard, where what is at stake…

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