
Human Rights

Seoul Hosts March to Commemorate 2023 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

On Sunday, March 19, 2023, Seoul city witnessed a march organized by local human rights advocacy organizations to commemorate the 2023 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The event was attended by various groups, including migrants and refugee…

The East and West of Democracy and Human Rights

Democracy and Human Rights have become a buzzword in the 21st Century. After the ascension of the Biden administration in the United States (US), we are seeing a new foreign policy based on these two concepts. We often see politicians…

Conference of Pacific island nations for a just transition away from fossil fuels

Port Vila, capital of Vanuatu, is hosting this week the 2nd Ministerial Conference of the Pacific on Ways to a Global Just Transition away from Fossil Fuels. The conclave, organised by the governments of Vanuatu and Tuvalu, is being attended…

Brazil – five years without Marielle Franco

On 14 March 2018, Marielle Franco, a Rio de Janeiro councillor, human rights defender and particularly for the rights of black women and sexual diversities, was assassinated. After five years, there are no responses, no perpetrators, no justice. As an…

John Pilger: The Betrayers of Julian Assange

This is an abridged version of an address by John Pilger in Sydney on 10 March to mark the launch in Australia of Davide Dormino’s sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, ‘figures of courage’. I have known…

“[The guard] was young, probably about the same age as my detention.” On the birthday of Ilhan Sami Çomak

For twenty-nine years, a poet has his birthday in prison. Ilhan Sami Çomak, who was incarcerated in 1994, had an open visitation on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. His attorney brought messages from people around the world to the…

Meeting with Stella Moris Assange in Athens

On the occasion of the screening of the documentary “Ithaca – the battle to free Julian Assange” as part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival and the special screening organized in Athens by Meta – Center for a Post-Capitalist Culture,…

Stella Assange: “You students – and the millions supporting Julian – are making a difference”

Speaking before MEP Sabrina Pignedoli, Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti, Prof. Alessandro Guerra, journalist Riccardo Iacona and a packed hall of students, Julian Assange’s partner praised initiatives around the world on behalf of the co-founder of WikiLeaks. Tina Marinari di Amnesty…

Chile – Project for the protection of journalists and media workers moves forward

“It is essential that the State provides real and effective mechanisms to protect the physical and psychological integrity of journalists and communications workers,” said Congresswoman Nathalie Castillo, promoter of the initiative. Last Monday, the Culture, Arts and Communications Committee of…

On Professor Yunus, Washington Post Letter, and Investigations: ‘Our Troubled Friend’

Recently, 40 global figures wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh expressing their concern over Professor Yunus’ well-being. The letter was published in Washington Post as an advertisement. Many global personas signed the letter, including former UN…

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