
Human Rights

Save Rashid Hussain Baloch

Rashid Hussain was forcibly abducted by the United Arab Emirates intelligence on 26 December 2018 from Dubai without any arrest warrant and deported to Pakistan. The Pakistani media broke the news of Rashid Hussain’s deportation from Dubai to Pakistan, but…

Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom and Emancipation

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, is an important holiday celebrated annually on June 19th in the United States. It commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans and serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for…

“The problem of sexual assault is a political matter”: Helmut Kramer talks about the importance of fighting for children’s rights

In an exclusive interview with Helmut Kramer, founder of the support organisation for victims of sexual assault by religious members, La Red de Sobrevivientes, talks about the importance of understanding and fighting for the human rights of children. How did…

For me it’s difficult to talk about everyday life in Ukraine

Ukrainians who can’t be talked about The Telegram channel Ukrainiando publishes a series of anonymous interviews with Ukrainians who disagree with the fate their country has been given. Friends! We present to you our second anonymous interview in the series…

Sudan: risk of ethnic cleansing in West Darfur

Three months after fighting broke out between the regular Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Khartoum, the Association for Threatened Peoples (APM, Associazione per i popoli minacciati) warns of the potential conflagration. Fighting has now spread to…

International investigation into state massacres in the Ionian Sea

Between the Steccato di Cutro massacre and the shipwreck of the fishing boat that sank on June 14 in the Ionian Sea, 45 miles southwest of Pilos, albeit in the diversity of the dynamics of the events, there are common…

Statement of the CPM against the criminalisation of the protest

Forty years after the end of the last civil-military dictatorship, and in the context of the reflections that we as Argentine society must make around this anniversary, we would like to point out our preoccupation and rejection of various initiatives…

Large protest and march in Athens for the shipwreck in Pylos (Photos)

There was a massive response from people, left-wing parties, and organizations to the protest and march held yesterday afternoon in the center of Athens for the deadly shipwreck of migrants in Pylos. The march passed by the Greek Parliament where…

No more child brides

The United Nations Fund reports that there are 650 million young women in the world who are forced into marriage; among them, 12 million are between the ages of 12 and 17. These early marriages have very serious consequences because…

UN : fighting disinformation

Our common agenda – Fighting disinformation – The Secretary-General presents today the policy brief on the integrity of information on digital platforms June 12, 2023 As part of the policy documents the Secretary-General launches periodically to detail his vision for…

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