
Human Rights

NGO Demands Halt of “Social Cleansing” in Juárez

The Network of Children’s Rights in Mexico (Redim) urged the governor of the northern state of Chihuahua, Cesar Duarte Jaquez, to investigate the police operatives of forced removal of the street population in Juárez. Redim highlighted that these evacuations amount to a practice of “social cleansing” that violate the Mexican constitution.

Violence And Death For Millions Of Life-Givers

They give life almost in every way – they deliver generation after generation; they plant seeds and grow crops, feed their families and sell food in rural markets; they bring water and heat and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their people be them newborns, adults or elderly.

European Court rules states must respect Conscientious Objection as a Human Right

The case of a young Armenian forced sentenced to two and a half years for refusing military service was taken up by a number of high profile international organisations, including Amnesty International. Today the European Court of Human Rights ruled that individuals have a right to conscientious object and called on Armenia to immediately introduce civilian alternatives.

Dunja Mijatovic ‘s speech

Here we are publishing the Opening Adress given by Dunja Mijatovic, from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), as Representative on Freedom of the Media, on the occasion of the inaugurative plenary sesion of the 2011 Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum held recently in Bonn, Germany, and focused on Human Rights.

Avaaz: “Let’s stand with Suu Kyi and the brave Burmese”

Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s movement for democracy in Burma is hanging in the balance this week, with the regime threatening a brutal response to her call to free political prisoners. Activists have appealed to the world for help, saying international pressure is crucial to tipping the balance. Avaaz calls people to sign a petition

Hong Kong: flow of good citizen’s vital message – we are one

This day each year the citizenry of Hong Kong take to the streets and demonstrate in solidarity against a wide variety of ills and social injustices – July 1, 2011, was no exception. Hongkongers staged their biggest show of discontent with the government in seven years, taking to the streets in the largest numbers since 2004.

98% of All Hungry People Live In The Third World

“High food prices are here to stay, and their impact on the poor in developing countries who spend a high proportion of their income on food can be devastating”
Their number exceeds one billion and up to 98% of them live in developing countries.

Two Petit-Goâve radio journalists arbitrarily detained

Reporters Without Borders calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Ernst Joseph and Wolf “Duralph” François, hosts of the programme “They said it” on Radio Prévention in the southwestern town of Petit-Goâve, who have been detained ever since their arrest during an appearance at the public prosecutor’s office on 22 June.

Indigenous still marginalized 200 years on

Mired in poverty and with few land rights, indigenous groups saw little to celebrate on the bicentennial of the nation’s independence from Spain on May 14. Representatives of indigenous organizations headed to the capital, Asunción, to demand the government take immediate action to stem the severe problems afflicting Paraguay’s 20 native peoples.

Poor Countries Host Largest Share of Refugees

The United Nations has taken the wind out of the sails of world’s rich countries that never tire of complaining about the citizens of developing lands burdening their rather stressed economies, by pointing out that 80 per cent of refugees in the world live in poor countries. “In relation to the size of their economies, poor countries shoulder a disproportionate refugee burden,”

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