
Human Rights

Evo Morales: ‘These are the peoples times and we can no longer be silenced’

The President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia communicated by telephone with the journalist Victor Hugo Morales. They spoke in a tone of respect and camaraderie. The Indigenous leader spoke of the amazing reception his compatriots gave him in El…

Occupy London in support of court case against undercover police sexual liaisons with activists

‘Police spies court case suggests sexual relations with activists were routine. Lawsuit for undercover police deception indicates several officers struck up intimate relations with those they spied on’: The Guardian Undercover police use of sexual relationships with UK female activists…

Afghanistan: Talks with the Taliban must focus on justice and human rights

Human rights, including women’s rights, must be integral to any peace deal with the Taliban said Amnesty International today as the USA announced that it was to start direct peace talks with Afghanistan’s Taliban armed group. The call comes as…

Hacker Who Alerted Gov’t Testifies at Bradley Manning Trial

The military court-martial of accused Army whistleblower Bradley Manning continued at Fort Meade, Maryland, on Tuesday for a second day. Witnesses included Adrian Lamo, the convicted computer hacker who turned Manning in to U.S. authorities after the two became friends…

To strike or not to strike

I was surfing on a mom’s site, a website for mothers. You know the ones with tearful stories about little ones and their first words, steps and falls. Between these stories one was far different. The title was “Strike and…

Greece: Strengthen Response to Racist Violence

In the picture: graffiti on the exterior of an Afghan-owned bar in the Aghios Panteleimonas neighbourhood in Athens reads “Foreigners Out.” Greece’s government should move quickly to adopt measures to combat hate crimes and protect victims, Human Rights Watch said…

The Palestine Liberation Movement is not about Anti-Semitism

Without regard to the validity of Joseph Massad’s exposition of the historical and dialectic relationship between Zionism and anti-Semitism, why is Massad trying to justify the Palestine liberation movement on the basis that it is a battle against anti-Semitism? Of…

Syria Dispatch #4: Declarations of the delegation; prisoner release

After all the delays and rescheduling of the Syria visit, most of my fellow delegates have now returned to their home countries, and are compiling their thoughts, film and photos. Further to the sniper firing at the car transporting Mother…

Hungary: Rule of Law Under Threat

The systemic changes to Hungary’s legal framework introduced by the government since 2010 weaken legal checks on its authority, interfere with media freedom, and undermine human rights protections, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The continuing failure…

Syria Dispatch #3: prisoner release; attack on M. Agnes; Homs project

Syria Dispatch #3: prisoner release; attack on M. Agnes; Homs project In my previous dispatches I withheld some information from you. Over the last four months I have been in touch with Dr. Mohja Kahf, who is active in the…

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