
Human Rights

Grand Jury Fails to Indict NYC Police Officer Pantaleo

Wednesday Dec 3rd, protesters poured onto the streets following a grand jury’s decision not to indict NYC Police Officer Pantaleo on murder charges for killing unarmed Staten Islander Eric Garner. Protesters rallied at Union Square and Columbus Circle and marched to Times Square, 47th…

Right Livelihood Awards in Stockholm: Recipients send strong messages on surveillance, human rights & climate change

On Monday 1 December, the 2014 Right Livelihood Awards will be presented to Alan Rusbridger from the U.K., Asma Jahangir from Pakistan, Basil Fernando and the Asian Human Rights Commission (Hong Kong), and Bill McKibben and from the U.S. The Award Ceremony will take…

Living Nightmare for Detained Immigrants in Georgia

Reports are mounting of a living nightmare in Lumpkin, Georgia, at Stewart, a 1,750-bed detention facility housing immigrants facing potential deportation. According to multiple interviews with detained immigrants at Stewart, they are dealing with maggots in food, improper medical care,…

Ferguson, the decision not to indict is unsurprising

On Monday evening 11/24/2014, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch announced that a grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson for the August 9 shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Law professor…

The Power of 1.8 Billion Youth

Human Wrongs Watch ‘Young people matter. They matter because an unprecedented 1.8 billion youth are alive today, and because they are the shapers and leaders of our global future. They matter because they have inherent human rights that must be…

Snooper’s charter and political manipulation

The “Snooper’s charter [Communications Data Bill] has practically zero chance of becoming law, say senior MPs. Labour’s Tom Watson and Tory David Davis say Guardian revelations mean data communications bill is probably doomed” read the headlines in a June 2013…

#OrangeUrHood Campaign Kicks Off UN-led Effort to End Violence against Women

Human Wrongs Watch New York, 24 November 2014 – Tonight, for the first time ever, both the iconic United Nations Headquarters complex and the Empire State Building in New York are bathed in orange light to kick off the “Orange…

Dutch coal mission takes important step towards remedy for Colombian victims

The public appeal made today by five European power companies to coal mining company Drummond to engage into a process of remedy for victims of severe human rights violations is an important breakthrough, says the Dutch peace organization PAX.  The…

End Violence against Women

Human Wrongs Watch By UN Women*, November 2014 — To raise awareness and trigger action to end the global scourge of violence against women and girls, the UN observes International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25…

Anti-corruption needs to be among UN’s development goals

“I think that an honest and responsive government should be one of the new UN goals. More transparency and less corruption is what is really needed to create a better and more just world,” says Mushfiqul Haque Mukit, a young…

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