
Human Rights

British protests demand solution to migrant crisis

Ashoka Jegroo April 27, 2015, Waging Nonviolence Activists in England staged multiple demonstrations over the last week protesting the recent death of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the response by European governments to the growing migrant crisis.…

Glenn Greenwald: Social Media, Privacy and Activism

Published on Apr 12, 2015 by AcTVism Munich Are applications such as Facebook/Skype/Google safe for us to use? Is the NSA keeping us safe from undemocratic states? What can the individual do to curb the abuses of the NSA?  …

USA: black Labor, against wars at home and abroad

Black Labor, Baltimore Protests link the struggles against wars at home and abroad. An important part of the changing face of the antiwar and social justice  movements is labor, which has stepped forward dramatically.  At the UNAC conference this year…

Real nonviolence is a weapon Baltimore police wouldn’t want to face

By Kate Aronoff for Waging Nonviolence. On Saturday night, Barack and Michelle Obama gathered with some of the country’s most well-respected journalists, comedians and celebrities in Washington, D.C., for the White House Press Correspondents Dinner, an annual event notorious for…

How for-Profit Prisons have Become a Big Lobby.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s detention budget includes a mandate from Congress that at least 34,000 immigrants remain detained on a daily basis, a quota that has steadily grown each year, even as the undocumented immigrant population in the United…

New York stands with Baltimore

Thousands of New Yorkers from across the five boroughs, #BlackLivesMatter activists and organizations that stand for social, economic, and racial justice rallied at Union Square to show the people of Baltimore that New York stands in solidarity with them and…

NGOs: Migration summit fell short of expectations

Human Wrongs Watch 24 April 2015 (EurActiv)* — EU leaders have missed a real opportunity to make a serious difference in the lives and deaths of the people suffering daily in the Mediterranean, say NGOs. Meeting on short notice for…

New York: Parents of 43 Missing Mexican Students March to U.N.

Parents and relatives of the 43 students missing in the Mexican state of Guerrero have marked seven months since their loved ones disappeared. Some of the parents and relatives converged on New York City after traveling across the United States…

UN urges States to act on new standards to eliminate devastating violence against children

Human Wrongs Watch United Nations officials gathered at the UN Crime Congress under way in Doha, Qatar, on 18 April 2015 called on Member States to take action and implement the new international standards on the elimination of violence against…

Organized crime in wildlife, gold and timber worth over one billion USD, further fuels conflict in DR Congo

Human Wrongs Watch ‘Experts estimate that 10-30 per cent of this illegal trade (around US$ 72-426 million per annum) goes to transnational organized criminal networks based outside eastern DR Congo.’   Nairobi, 16 April 2015 — Organized crime and the illegal…

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