
Human Rights

Singapore: Yee’s guilty verdict is a sad indication of the limits of free speech

By Marte Hellema and Joses Kuan* As the world responds to the guilty verdict of Amos Yee, thoughts should not just focus on how a 16-year-old ended up in this predicament, but on what it says about the state of…

Swedish Supreme Court rejects Assange appeal

Sweden’s Supreme Court said Monday it had rejected an appeal by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange against his arrest warrant for alleged rape and sexual assault. Sweden issued the arrest warrant in 2010 following allegations from two Swedish women, one who…

E.U. Seeks U.N. Backing for Military Action to Stop Wave of Migrants Fleeing Horrific Abuse in Libya

The European Union is expected to ask the United Nations Security Council today to permit military action against human traffickers operating out of Libya. The U.N. estimates more than 60,000 people have already tried to cross the Mediterranean from Libya…

South Africa: domestic workers paid peanuts

After 21 years of democracy domestic workers of South Africa still find themselves being neglected in terms of payment. These are the lowest paid workers on the labour market, as they are being undermined by their bosses both black and…

Echoes of the original Mother’s Day Proclamation at home and abroad

By Frida Berrigan, May 8, 2015 for Waging Nonviolence “From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says ‘Disarm, Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice.’” Julia Ward Howe…

TED: How we’re priming some kids for college — and others for prison

In the United States, two institutions guide teenagers on the journey to adulthood: college and prison. Sociologist Alice Goffman spent six years in a troubled Philadelphia neighborhood and saw first-hand how teenagers of African-American and Latino backgrounds are funneled down…

Latin America’s Social Policies Have Given Women a Boost

By Fabiana Frayssinet. BUENOS AIRES, May 8 2015 (IPS) – Although they do not specifically target women, social policies like family allowances and pensions have improved the lives of women in Latin America, the region that has made the biggest…

Court Rules NSA Bulk Spying Illegal: New Vindication for Snowden, and Uncertainty for PATRIOT Act

A federal appeals court has ruled the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of millions of Americans’ phone records is illegal. The program was exposed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden; the ACLU filed its lawsuit based largely on Snowden’s revelations. In…

South Africa’s sex workers nightly fear for their lives and demand government action

Speaking through their organisation, the South African Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), the sex workers of the country have serious concerns about their issues and whether they will ever be ironed out, and as a consequence they work…

Immigration: Europe has to change its geography and its vision

Giorgio Schultze, Humanist, activist for decades in the struggle for human rights, above all those of migrant communities, lives in Sicily and is a correspondent for Pressenza. Last Friday we interviewed him for the programme En La Oreja International on…

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