
Human Rights

Run This Way: students run 4,000 km for refugee protection

Canada will take 25,000 Syrian refugees In recent months, International Humanist Network members were shocked by the scale of the refugee crisis and by the slow answer of governments to provide assistance to refugees. According to the UNHCR (UN Refugee…

Lesbos Island, Greece: refugees arrive from Turkey

The images from this exceptional photo-report by Maro Kourí from the island of Lesbos, sent to us by Jai Mexis, say more than a thousand words ever could: entire families arrive every day in improvised boats coming from Turkey and…

Why You Should Stand With Andy Hall

Imagine facing the prospect of going to jail for seven years and being ordered to pay $11 million in damages because you spoke out about slavery-like practices? Labour rights activist Andy Hall faces charges triggered by research he conducted that…

Apostolis Fotiadis: Europe speculates on the refugee crisis

Apostolis Fotiadis is a freelance journalist. He has reported on politics since 2005 with an emphasis on European immigration policy and ethnic conflicts in the Balkans. He is an analyst in Greek and foreign media. In early 2015, he published…

U.N. Rights Commissioner blasts harsh treatment of refugees

By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Oct 22 2015 (IPS) – As the flow of migrants continues to rise – from war-ravaged countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa to Europe – so do the horror stories of the harsh…

Film Review: Suffragette

The UK Suffragettes were activists in the British WSPU (Women’s Social and Political Union), led by Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, seeking the right to vote for women through some nonviolent methods of protest such as hunger strikes, and other tactics…

UK government licensed almost £4 billion of arms to Saudi Arabia

Licences included fighter jets, military vehicles and targeting equipment 62% of UK adults oppose arms sales to Saudi regime, with only 16% supporting The sentencing of Karl Andree, 74, to 350 lashes is yet another reminder of the terrible human…

350 lashes in Saudi Arabia for 75 year old British man

Horror has been unleashed in the UK about the fate of a British man, Karl Andree, who has been sentenced to 350 lashes in Saudi Arabia for the crime of having home-made wine in his car boot.  He has already…

British Police withdraw permanent watch for Julian Assange

London, Oct 12 (Prensa Latina) British police removed the permanent presence at the Embassy of Ecuador in this capital, where Australian Julian Assange takes refuge, but it stated ” it remains committed to executing the arrest warrant and presenting Julian…

Delia Kim on Face to Face

This week’s show starts with Belaez, Colombian singer visiting New York and continues with Delia Kim to discuss her Young Governors’ program.

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