
Human Rights

Turkey: Journalist Can Dündar faces life imprisonment for informing the public

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been clamping down methodically on the media in Turkey for years, first as prime minister and now as president. The persecution of journalists across the political spectrum is growing in ferocity and includes arrests, threats and…

New low for Europe as police bulldoze camps, tear gas asylum seekers, and shutter borders

Police attacked refugees with tear gas, water cannons, and stun grenades while dismantling the refugee camp in Calais and refusing migrants entry into Macedonia by Nika Knight, staff writer for Common Dreams “The jungle burns,” reported Germany’s Die Zeit on…

Hong Kong bookseller Lee Po’s China TV interview transcript

Lee Po, the majority shareholder of Causeway Bay Books, denied in an interview with Sing Tao Daily that he had been abducted. Lee admitted for the first time that he had sneaked across onto the mainland  to assist in investigations…

Video: NYC Request the Liberation of Milagro Sala

The Humanists in New York are asking the media and people on social networks to share and distribute this video. Their are also requesting to the friends and family of Milagro Sala to make sure she can watch this video.…

Gathering in NYC for the Liberation of Milagro Sala

The rally was part of the International Humanist Campaign in Support of Milagro Sala. People gathered in NYC at Union Square in front of the Gandhi Statue. “We choose this place to remind us of Gandhi’s experiences of  being arrested…

Gabriella Callender on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with musician and activist, Gabriella Callender. We talked about her life’s experiences in music and how she became engaged in social issues. She will be playing on March 5th at the Momma’s Hip-Hop Kitchen at…

Rohith Vemulas, Kanhaiya Kumars, India’s White Roses

… A recent visit to the University of Munich reminded me of the power and hope inherent and pulsating in students. At the height of Nazi power—and in the sanctum of the Nazi party, The White Rose movement sprung up…

Refugee crisis: People’s safety or border security?

The latest developments at a local and international level to address the refugee crisis in a successful way have triggered many concerns in those who are actively involved with the issue and also in civil society. Refugees and migrants travelling…

Civil union bill passes Italian Senate – but children in rainbow families get left behind

Tonight, the Italian Senate (one of two parliamentary chambers) voted in favour of a Same-Sex Civil Union and Cohabitation Bill which would establish an institution of civil unions for same-sex partners and cohabitation for all couples. This is the first…

Bay of Bengal ‘Three Times More Deadly’ than Mediterranean for Migrants and Refugees

Human Wrongs Watch 23 February 2016 – Refugees and migrants crossing the seas of Southeast Asia died at a rate three times higher than those in the Mediterranean last year, a new United Nations report has found, highlighting the urgency…

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