
Human Rights

Wikileaks: Exclusive Interview with Investigations Editor Sarah Harrison

In this exclusive interview with Wikileaks investigations editor, Sarah Harrison, we talk about the case of Julian Assange, the findings of the UN working group on arbitrary detention, national security, international law and how one can support whistleblowers. In what…

Paraguay itself on trial for the Curuguaty Massacre: justice or scapegoats?

Last Friday, 11 Paraguayan farmers accused of the Curuguaty Massacre were sentenced to between 4 and 30 years in prison in a case repeatedly condemned as biased and irregular.  By Emergentes Opinion piece written by Luis Lezcano Claude, former member…

Latin American Development Depends On Investing In Teenage Girls

Human Wrongs Watch By Estrella Gutiérrez* CARACAS, 11 July 2016 (IPS) – Latin America’s teenage girls are a crucial force for change and for promoting sustainable development, if the region invests in their rights and the correction of unequal opportunities,…

‘Modern World Is Chaotic, Confused; Human Security a Must’

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ROME, 11 July 2016 (IPS) – The question is simple and the answer, short: does eating more mean being better nourished?… Not necessarily! On this, top United Nations agencies dealing with food and health…

World Population Day in Six Eye-Popping Charts

Human Wrongs Watch UNITED NATIONS, New York, 11 July 2016 (UNFPA)* – Today is World Population Day, a day that calls attention on urgent population issues. This World Population Day spotlights the need to invest in teenage girls. Despite strides the…

Protests Erupt Nationwide After Police Killings, 300+ Arrested

Protests against police brutality erupted across the United States over the weekend, with tens of thousands of people taking to the streets and blocking roads, bridges and highways in cities including Chicago, Atlanta, Baton Rouge, St. Paul, Los Angeles, Phoenix…

U.S.-Egypt: From Idealism to Political Cynicism

By Rana Allam and Sanam Naraghi Anderlini for InDepthNews. On July 4 as Americans celebrated independence from a King that “obstructed the Administration of Justice…sent hither swarms of Officers to harass people… kept among [the people], in times of peace,…

What will it take to stop extrajudicial killings in East Africa?

By Phil Wilmot for Waging Nonviolence. Kenya is often praised as a beacon of democracy and stability in East Africa, but recent squelched demonstrations and recklessness by police have led Kenyans to question whether the benchmarks of their nation’s progress…

International Labor Rights Forum newsletter

July 2016 E-News Progress and setbacks in 2016 TIP Report Sign petition: Stop criminalizing workers! Chinese workers take on Walmart and Disney Complaint alleges World Bank IFC loan supports forced labor Honduran melon workers confirm abuses Safety delays continue at…

Launch event of the Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism

July the 8th, 2016, 4pm (Brazil) – Auditorium 01 – Faculty Zumbi dos Palmares – Clube de Regatas Tietê – São Paulo – Brazil A decade after the defeat of the FTAA – Free Trade Area of the Americas – our…

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