
Human Rights

UN concern about civilian casualties of anti-terror bombings in Syria

United Nations, May 26 (Prensa Latina) UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra”ad Al Hussein today expressed concern over the impact on the Syrian civilian population of the bombings against positions of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group. More…

Protest March “Trump Not Welcome” in Brussels

On May 24th  WaterProtectors Rachel Heaton, Wasté Win Young, Rafael Gonzalez & Nataani Means were at the #TrumpNotWelcome demo in Brussels for social rights, against sexism, racism and discrimination, for peace and a livable world, together with 9.000 protestors. They opened the rally…

NYC Councilmember Defends Puerto Rican Day Parade Honoring Oscar López Rivera

Upon the release of longtime political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, New York City’s Puerto Rican Day Parade organizers have chosen to honor Rivera as the parade’s first “National Freedom Hero.” This prompted the city’s police chief to boycott the event.…

Getting Julian Assange: The Untold Story

By John Pilger Julian Assange has been vindicated because the Swedish case against him was corrupt. The prosecutor, Marianne Ny, obstructed justice and should be prosecuted. Her obsession with Assange not only embarrassed her colleagues and the judiciary but exposed…

Maria Canet on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with Maria Canet from Provincia 25 about Milagro Sala, the  jailed leader of the Tupac Amaru neighborhood association, part of the Association of State Workers of Jujuy, and a leading figure in the Movimiento piquetero…

Sweden drops investigation of WikiLeaks’ Assange, but threats in US, UK Remain

UK police say they can arrest Assange if he leaves embassy, while AG Sessions said his arrest is ‘priority’ by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Commons Dreams Though Julian Assange’s advocates welcomed the news Friday that Swedish prosecutors dropped their seven-year…

Conversation with Maria Pabón on how President Trump Differs from Obama’s Immigration Policies

By Jhon Sánchez It could have been me facing a deportation proceeding. During the time I applied for asylum, I had frequent nightmares where I heard my name ‘Jhon Sanchez,’ announced in a court; my wrists were shackled and I…

Border Angels Resist Trump’s Immigration Crackdown with Services and Water for Border-Crossing Migrants

AMY GOODMAN: Attorney General Sessions and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly recently visited the San Diego-Tijuana border, where they vowed to crack down on sanctuary cities and urged local officials to fully cooperate with federal immigration agents. This is Sessions, followed…

Bahraini UK based activists’ families taken as hostages in Bahrain

At least three family members of UK-based Bahraini activists have been summoned by Bahraini security forces this morning, 13th of May 2017. The detention of these activists’ families coincides with the attendance of Bahrain’s King Hamad at the Royal Windsor…

Appeals Court Hears Arguments over Trump’s Second Muslim Travel Ban

A federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia, heard arguments over Trump’s second travel ban, which sought to ban all refugees and citizens of six majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. The 13-judge panel appeared to be divided over the…

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