
Human Rights

The Democrat should Build a Human Shield to Protect the DREAMers

In a few days, the Trump’s administration will announce whether it will choose to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which would put in jeopardy the future of thousands of undocumented immigrant youth. President Obama created DACA…

To Be a Nigerian Migrant in Italy

A Nigerian migrant, stairs at new comers at an old, local Roman bar. Extremely polite, he asks for money. If you offer to him to buy some food instead, he immediately accepts. Interviewed for IPS by Laurent Vercken, the young…

Urgent Need for Independent International Inquiry on Yemen

Joint NGO letter to Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council Excellency, We, the undersigned nongovernmental organizations, urge you to support the creation of an independent international investigation into violations and abuses of international human…

Charlottesville’s Past That Isn’t Even

Here in Charlottesville, Virginia, I like to point out that the rallies of racists are mostly imported from out of state. It’s tempting to relax comfortably on that assertion, and to reflect on how our great lord and master Thomas…

World Relief Urges Swift Congressional Action to Protect Individuals with DACA Status

Recent news reports suggest that President Trump is seriously considering the termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which since 2012 has allowed approximately 800,000 young people who came to the United States as children to obtain…

Charlottesville Covers Confederate Statues with Black Fabric as Residents Demand Their Removal

In Charlottesville, Virginia, residents cheered and celebrated as workers covered two Confederate statues — one of General Robert E. Lee, and another of General Stonewall Jackson — with black fabric on Wednesday in order to mourn the death of Heather…

Supreme Court Of India Illuminates The World For Muslim Women

By Moin Qazi Of all the lawful acts the most detestable to God is divorce  –Prophet Muhammad (This an authentic saying recorded by Abdullah ibn Umar, a highly respected companion of the prophet in an authoritative treatise “Divorce (Kitab Al-Talaq)”…

Tens of Thousands March Against White Supremacy in Boston & Other U.S. Cities

Massive protests against white supremacy spread across the United States over the weekend, as tens of thousands of people took to the streets from coast to coast to condemn violent white nationalist groups and to call for the removal of…

Yemen: African Migrants Beaten, Starved, Sexually Violated by Criminal Groups

By Baher Kamal African migrants who arrive on Yemen’s shores –that’s if they are not forced into the sea to drown—risk to fall in the hands of criminal networks who hold them captive for several days to extort money in…

Marry-the-rapist law defeated in Jordan

“Jordan’s parliament has repealed a provision in its penal code that allowed a rapist to escape punishment if he married his victim, the AP reports. Cheers erupted from the spectators’ gallery as legislators narrowly voted on Tuesday to scrap controversial…

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