
Human Rights

Opposite of Peace as Trump accused of ‘kicking hornet’s nest’ in Middle East

Declaring Jerusalem the capital shows “yet again his blatant disregard for international law” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams With his usual braggadocio and familiar hypocrisy, President Donald Trump claimed on Wednesday that his official announcement for the…

Selay Ghaffar, spokesperson for the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan: “Our goal is to free Afghanistan from violence and foreign influence”

Selay Ghaffar is the spokesperson for the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan. At the release of “Exit from Violence. You are not alone”  handbook on Tuesday November 28th at Casa delle Donne di Milano, she spoke about the current situation for…

Congratulations to Austria – court overturns barriers to equal marriage

We republish this press release from ILGA-Europe. This morning, a judgment from Austria’s Constitutional Court has opened up the option of equal marriage to same-sex couples. The 14 judges of the Constitutional Court ruled that marriage should be open to…

Turkey: Academics on Trial for Signing Petition

The decision to prosecute scores of academics for signing a January 2016 petition criticizing the Turkish government’s actions in southeastern Turkey seriously violates the right to free speech and academic freedom, Human Rights Watch said today. The charges are also a misuse…

End Slavery — Open Letter To European Leaders

December 2, 2017 Addressed to: Mr. Donald Tusk President of the European Council Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission Mr. Antonio Tajani President of the European Parliament Mr. Marco Minniti Italian Minister of the Interior Mr. Angelino Alfano…

Face 2 Face with Anaclara Valdes

On this show we speak with Anaclara Valdes concerning the challenges facing the indigenous community in Argentina. The Mapuches claim part of the Benetton-owned land as ancestral territory and the conflict has often erupted into large protests.

The Living Hell of Refugees in Libya: Italy’s Justifications to UN Charges are Self-Incriminating

“What Libya’s become today, that was already well-known…”. Then there’s also this: “Terrible things are happening, but after all they were already known.”. And so on and so forth. These are the types of statements that various representatives of the…

“It leaves me stunned!” Protest against slavery in Libya

This Saturday, about 3000 Africans from all countries of the continent and their supporters came together in front of the Libyan embassy in Berlin, in order to protest against slavery, rape and abuse committed against their sisters and brothers in…

Libya: Break the silence to avoid complicity

The gavel struck at a Tripoli auction to announce that a migrant had been sold for $400 and took us back 300 years to when markets in Montgomery and New Orleans separated men from women, children from mothers, and sold…

US American and European activists join to face the global escalation of the refugee crisis

This Tuesday a public discussion took place in the Heilig Kreuz Kirche in Berlin with several NGOs and faith-based groups from the USA and Europe, that subscribed to a joint declaration in 2016 as an answer to the global escalation…

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