
Human Rights

There are already 17 dead, victims of repression in Gaza

Tens of thousands of Palestinians participated in the Great Return March on Friday, commemorating Land Day. The Israeli army claims that part of the demonstrators threw incendiary bombs and burning tires at the position of the soldiers who responded with…

Don’t Deport Non-Veterans Either, Unless It’s Donald Trump

By David Swanson We’re hearing a lot about U.S. veterans being deported, just as we hear about healthcare and retirement and homelessness and countless other topics as impacting veterans in particular. The implication, and often the explicit assertion, is that…

Baltasar Garzón to appear in the opening session of the European Humanist Forum 2018

Judge Baltasar Garzón will be in the opening session of the European Humanist Forum 2018 taking place on the 11th, 12th and 13th of May in Madrid. He will talk about issues concerning Universal Jurisdiction in the defence of Human…

Scotland must defend Clara Ponsati [1]; Sturgeon cannot play Pontius Pilate

By Craig Murray [2] It is sickening that Spanish courts continue to jail, and remove from political life, Catalan politicians who are the victors in democratic elections. That the European political class and media is almost entirely complicit and supportive…

Cambridge Analytica is what happens when you privatise military propaganda

ADAM RAMSAY 28 March 2018 for openDemocracy You can’t understand the Cambridge Analytica scandal until you understand what its parent company does The Gulf War Did Not Take Place”. This audacious claim was made by the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard…

Change Is coming… and not through the barrel of our guns

The uncontained force behind the national murder rate is dehumanization, and as this movement grows, it must — it will — look institutional dehumanization straight in the eye. by Robert C. Koehler for Common Dreams The cries of loss and anguish…

Reparations at the World Social Forum 2018

By Colonialism Reparation Press Release The theme of reparations at the 2018 World Social Forum in Salvador de Bahia was treated in the workshop Repairs to Colonialism (page 113), in the World Assembly of Resistance Peoples, Movements and Territories and in…

#EHF2018: What unites us towards the Universal Human Nation

With the slogan “What unites us towards the Universal Human Nation”, the 5th European Humanist Forum will take place on the 11th, 12th and 13th of May in Madrid.  The opening session will take place in the Education Science Faculty…

Washington Post: 187,000 Exposed to Gun Violence at School Since Columbine

The Washington Post reports more than 187,000 students have been exposed to gun violence at school in the 19 years since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. Despite the high number, school shootings represent only a tiny fraction of…

How Facebook data was used to influence US elections (and Brexit?)

New reports reveal how pro-Trump firm Cambridge Analytica ‘exploited’ Facebook to harvest data of 50 million users “This story is a devastating tale of how personal data and massive, unaccountable technology platforms combined with malevolent political interests to subvert the…

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