
Human Rights

Ecuador to partially restore Julian Assange’s access to communications and visitors

In a statement issued Sunday, WikiLeaks announced that the Ecuadorian embassy in London has informed its publisher Julian Assange that it intends to partially restore his ability to use the Internet and phone services, and receive personal visitors. Ecuador, on…

Yemen whitewash shows Saudi investigation of Jamal Khashoggi cannot be trusted

Saudi regime has ordered an investigation into disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi Saudi investigations into war crimes in Yemen have been a whitewash. Yemen is on the brink of the world’s worst famine for 100 years. UK has licensed almost £5…

Indivisible – 240,000 demonstrating for solidarity instead of exclusion in Berlin

The call of #unteilbar (indivisible) is that: “We will not allow the welfare state to be played off against asylum and migration. We will stand in resistance when fundamental rights and freedoms are in danger of being further restricted. They…

Paul Grüninger, the Swiss police officer whose reputation was restored after being condemned for saving hundreds of refugees’ lives

The recent arrest of Mimmo Lucano, the mayor of Riace, for “aiding illegal immigration” offers us another example of the ancient dilemma that pits law against justice. A dilemma at the heart of the Greek tragedy Antigone, it has emerged…

Kazakh President Urges Religious Leaders to Help Resolve ‘Civilizational’ Problems

Viewpoint by Nursultan Nazarbayev The author is the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Following are extensive excerpts from his opening address to the two-day Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions on October 10, 2018 in Astana,…

Abortion is nothing like hiring a hitman, whatever Pope Francis says

Arianne Shahvisi, University of Sussex for The Conversation Pope Francis has compared having an abortion to “hiring a hitman to resolve a problem”. The leader of the Catholic Church made the comment during a speech in which he declared that…

For the Thousand Days of Milagro Sala in prison an international campaign

On October 12 will be 1,000 days of arbitrary and illegal detention of the militant and social leader Milagro Sala. The international coordination for the liberation of Milagro Sala has launched a worldwide campaign to attack selfishness in the streets…

The CIA Finger in Brasil’s Election

by Marcelo Zero1, originally posted on Brasil Wire, 05/10/2018   The growth of Bolsonarian fascism in the final stretch of the election campaign, turbo charged by an avalanche of fake news disseminated on the internet, is not surprising. It is an…

Greece – Chios: local school directors defend refugee’s children right to education

Marianella Kloka reporting from Greece A group of 1130 parents in the island of Chios (Eastern Aegean), have decided several days ago to send an extrajudicial document to the Directors of 5 primary schools of the island, aiming to intimidate…

The Truth About Christopher Columbus

Today, Christopher Columbus is celebrated as a mythical hero by some – complete with songs, poems, and fictional tales about his great adventure across the Atlantic to explore the majestic land that would eventually be known as the Americas. There…

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