
Human Rights

Violence Against Women – Never Acceptable, Never Ending

By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK (IDN) – “I love you, that’s why I beat you.” So ends a poem by the Ghanaian writer Mariska Araba Taylor-Darko about a violent spouse and an abused woman who lays the…

Exclusive: WikiLeaks Lawyer Warns U.S. Charges Against Assange Endanger Press Freedom Worldwide

The Justice Department has inadvertently revealed that it has prepared an indictment against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In an unusual development, language about the charges against Assange was copied and pasted into an unrelated court filing that was recently unsealed.…

Juanfe Jiménez of Proactiva Open Arms: “Citizen power can bring change”

Juanfe Jiménez is the medical co-ordinator of NGO Proactiva Open Arms and took part in a plenary session entitled ‘Violence to Displaced People and Refugees: Sanctuary Cities’ during the World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace…

Al Jazeera Exposes Israel-Backed Attacks on US Activists

Al Jazeera’s undercover film The Lobby – USA, censored by Qatar, has finally been published by The Electronic Intifada. Editor Ali Abunimah discusses the documentary’s explosive revelations, exposing Israel-backed attacks on US activists. Watch the documentary here. The Real News…

“Terror and Panic” among Rohingya Refugees in Southern Bangladesh Who Are at Imminent Risk of Being Returned to Myanmar against Their Will

There is “terror and panic” among Rohingya refugees in southern Bangladesh, who are at imminent risk of being returned to Myanmar against their will, the United Nations top human rights official has said, warning that the returns would seriously endanger…

Only Jews Can Tell The Truth About Israel

Paul Craig Roberts, November 13, 2018   Imagine what would happen to Chomsky if he were a white gentile Chomsky Warns of the Rise of ‘Judeo-Nazi Tendencies’ in Israel November 12, 2018 “Information Clearing House” –   Prominent Jewish intellectual Noam…

Catalonia: a year on, political prisoners go unnoticed by the rest of the world

Georgina Blakeley, The Open University for The Conversation After an unofficial referendum in October 2017, the pro-independence political parties in the Catalan parliament unilaterally declared independence from Spain. In response, the Spanish government invoked Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution…

Ecuadorian Journalists Confederation Forum focusing on migrants and the Caravan

Speech given by David Andersson on Friday November 9, 2018 at National-Spanish Benevolent Society First let me thank the Ecuadorian Journalists Confederation in New York for organizing this forum focusing on migrants and the Caravan. This issue of the caravan…

3,114 People Died or Have Gone Missing on Migratory Routes across the Globe in 2018 – IOM

OM’s Missing Migrants Project (MMP) estimates that at least 3,114 people died or have gone missing on migratory routes across the globe in 2018.  The Mediterranean region, the Middle East, North Africa and the Americas rank among the planet’s deadliest…

Greece: Rescuers at Sea Face Baseless Accusations

The criminal accusations brought by Greek prosecutors against activists for their efforts to rescue migrants and asylum seekers at sea appear entirely unfounded, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch analyzed court records and other documents in the cases of two…

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