
Human Rights

Petition on “Support the Stansted 15 – End Deportation Flights”

My name is Angela MacKeith. This is me and my daughter May. She is one of fifteen human rights activists who have just been convicted of a terror offence for taking peaceful action to stop a deportation charter flight. She…

Netanyahu will do all he can to destroy Jewish-Arab alliances

The alliance between Palestinian citizens of Israel and the Jewish left has historically been viewed as a threat to the rule of the right. That’s why Netanyahu is doing everything he can to undermine it. By Eli Bitan The Israeli…

Stand with the #Stansted15 for International Migrants Day

Tuesday December 18 Organized by Unis Resist Border Controls, South Asia Solidarity Group, No Borders Leeds, Manchester Palestine Action, End Deportations For International Migrants Day on Tuesday 18 December, activists from all over the UK will stand in solidarity with the…

Stansted 15: Solidarity Open Letter and Protest outside the Home Office

A solidarity demonstration with the Stansted 15 – the activists convicted under anti-terror legislation for blocking a deportation flight in March 2017 –  took place this afternoon in London outside the Home Office. Many protesters were wearing pink to show…

Democracy and living well: a Call to Conscience

Let’s unite to defend life and resist global threats! The Call to Conscience is an initiative of the Dialogues in Humanity Network. It synthesizes the two major threats hanging over humanity today: market fundamentalism and identity fundamentalism. The first leads…

Stansted 15 respond to guilty verdict

The Stansted 15 protesters, who stopped a government deportation flight from taking off in March last year, have today been found guilty of breaching terror laws. After 9 weeks the jury found all fifteen defendants guilty of intentional disruption of…

Women Who Shaped the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Eleanor Roosevelt’s leading role as Chairperson of the drafting committee of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been well documented. But other women also played essential parts in shaping the document. Some of them, and their contributions to the…

Barcelona approves allocating 30% of new flats to subsidized housing

Last Wednesday, the Government of Catalonia, through the Barcelona Urban Development Subcommittee, finally approved a modification to Barcelona’s Metropolitan General Plan that obliges residential developments of more than 600 m2, whether newly created or completely refurbished, to allocate 30% of…

Stop the persecution of Julian Assange and protect his right to asylum

In a public statement, the Communication Forum for the Integration of Our America (FCINA , Spanish initials) called for support for Julian Assange, demanding an end to the persecution of the founder of the non-profit media organization WikiLeaks. The initiative…

Rights that protect against socioeconomic disadvantage are long overdue – the UK is already paying the price

Peter Roderick, Newcastle University and Allyson Pollock, Newcastle University, for The Conversation In 2018, two anniversaries and a crucial decision loom large in the UK. We saw in the 70th anniversary of the NHS in July, while December 10 marks…

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