
Human Rights

World Youth Report: Addressing the Complex Challenges Facing Young People Today

Today, there are 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years, accounting for 16 per cent of the global population. The active engagement of youth in sustainable development efforts is central to achieving sustainable, inclusive and stable societies by…

How neoliberalism is normalising hostility

COUZE VENN 11 February 2019 for openDemocracy From working conditions to welfare policies, from immigration to the internet – this zero sum game of winners and losers benefits only the far right. The hostile environment is not just about the…

Supreme Court of India Orders Forced Eviction of 1 Million Adivasis

The Supreme Court of India has ordered the forced eviction of more than one million Adivasi and other forest-dwelling households from forestlands across 16 states after the government failed to defend a law protecting their rights. The final country-wide numbers…

Hunger Strike Continues into 7th Week on day of Trump’s Visit to El Paso

The “El Paso 9” continue their hunger strike into the 7th week at the El Paso Processing Center. Nine of 11 Sikh asylum seekers are being violently force-fed by ICE staff and late last week all nine were thrown into…

Trump’s state of emergency: A step towards presidential dictatorship

By Patrick Martin President Trump’s proclamation of a state of national emergency on the southern US border is a frontal assault on constitutional norms and democratic rights in America. It is the first time in American history that a president…

One Billion Rising, 2019: From a Campaign to End Violence against Women to a Way of Life.

Valentine’s Day. In Manila, Philippines, thousands of students at St. Scholastica Manila take part in One Billion Rising 2019, a global campaign that aims to end the violence against women and children worldwide. In another part of the city, the…

An Open Letter To The People Of The U.S. From President Nicolás Maduro

“If I know anything, it is about the people, because just like you, I am a man of the people. I was born and raised in a poor neighborhood of Caracas. I was forged in the heat of popular and…

UN Warns Against Politicizing Humanitarian Aid in Venezuela

The United Nations warned on Wednesday against using aid as a pawn in Venezuela after the United States sent food and medicine to the country’s border and accused President Nicolas Maduro of blocking its delivery with trucks and shipping containers. U.S. officials…

UN rejects self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaidó

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has rejected an aid request by Venezuela’s self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaidó, stressing that the body only cooperates with the country’s recognized government led by President Nicolas Maduro.   Stephane Dujarric, a spokesman for Guterres, conveyed the…

Jan 15: Martin Luther King (birth) day

Martin Luther King Jr. Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech NOBEL LAUREATES, 28 Jan 2019 The Nobel Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service December 11, 1964 The Quest for Peace and Justice It is impossible to begin this lecture without again expressing…

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