
Human Rights

The constitutional court has failed to protect human right defenders

The Constitutional Court (CC) held today that the Criminal Code amendment by the “Stop Soros” package is constitutional. Although the CC concluded that it would be unacceptable if those who selflessly assist asylum seekers were penalised, it is still not…

Conversation with Poets Commemorating International Women’s Day

By Jhon Sánchez As soon as I searched for Women’s day on my browser, I got results like 34 Best Women Day Gifts, or Inspiring Gifts to Celebrate Women’s Day, or International Women’s Day Fruit Arrangements. I don’t want Women’s…

International Women’s Day: Women have been written out of power – time is ripe for a new language of equality

Ella Tennant, Keele University for The Conversation As we mark International Women’s Day after a year of renewed media attention to issues of gender inequality, it could be that there are more important threats facing women and the survival of…

A Green New Basic Income Guarantee

By David Swanson U.S. military spending eight years ago was at $1.2 trillion per year, when one added in the nukes in the Energy Department, the Homeland Security Department, the CIA, interest on debt, veterans’ care, etc. Now it’s at $1.3 trillion. In…

“Julian Assange will never obey Big Brother”

Speech by John Pilger, March 3, 2019 Whenever I visit Julian Assange, we meet in a room he knows too well. There is a bare table and pictures of Ecuador on the walls. There is a bookcase where the books…

Israel/Palestine: Combatants for Peace newsletter, February 2019

“We must not be afraid to take responsibility. We the ones with the power: it is up to us to do what is right” Dear 2019 begun for us with a series of new activities. House meetings with Israel &…

Pune, India: Maher Marks 22 Years of Providing a Safe Haven for Abused Women, Men and Children

In 1989, Lucy Kurien, a young Christian Catholic nun of the Holy Cross order decided to offer her service to Sister Noelline Pinto, founder of HOPE, which was established to create awareness on human rights and help abused women. Hope…

The Rise of the Vanguard: Microsoft Workers Protest the Use of Their Products in War

By Mary Metzger The 21st Century may well mark the end of capitalism as we know it. The groundwork for the revolutionary transformation of the social and economic relations of the capitalist mode of production are already in place and…

QE Forever: The Fed’s Dramatic About-face

by Ellen Brown, February 21, 2019 The original article may be found here “Quantitative easing” was supposed to be an emergency measure. The Federal Reserve “eased” shrinkage in the money supply due to the 2008-09 credit crisis by pumping out trillions…

Dialogue with Tomás Hirsch / Chile: a deeply inhuman system

“The Chilean model, which is presented abroad as the greatest success of neoliberalism, presents a very different reality for millions of Chilean families,” said Tomás Hirsch, deputy of the Chilean Humanist Party (Frente Amplio), in an interview with ALAI.  This…

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