
Human Rights

Joint Statement – the case of Alan Kurdi

We have learned that Sea-Eye’s rescue vessel, the ‘Alan Kurdi’, has finally been allowed to disembark the people who were rescued on April 3 when in distress on the Mediterranean Sea. These 64 people (of whom two were evacuated already…

Assange Arrest Sparks Interest in Gore Vidal Book

…The American empire is not good for the American people. The way it’s sold to the American people is that this is good for all Americans… but it’s quite the opposite: it’s good for an elite, especially arms manufacturers and…

Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S.

Attorneys for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are vowing to fight his possible extradition to the United States following his arrest in London, when British police forcibly removed Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy, where he had taken asylum for almost seven…

Chelsea and Julian are in jail. History trembles.

By Craig Murray Tonight both Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are in jail, both over offences related to the publication of materials specifying US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and both charged with nothing else at all. No matter…

Julian Assange: A Scapegoat For History’s Violent Male Aggression

By Jerome Irwin Historically, the masculine ideological world view – professed by politicians of both gender’s, their counterparts in the corporate and military world’s and all those citizenry who support them – have dominated the evolution of human civilization in…

10 Reasons Assange Should Walk Free

By David Swanson Governments’ (monstrous and criminal) behavior should not be secret. People should know what their government is doing, and what a powerful foreign government is doing to their own countries. The actual results of the work of WikiLeaks…

Julian Assange: a sense of the reaction in Quito, Ecuador

Today, Quito woke up as cold as usual, but that was not the first thing that Ecuadorians noticed when their alarms went off.  At 5 a.m., Ecuadorian time, President Lenín Moreno announced to everyone that the country was to stop…

While Much of US Media Plays Along, Critics Warn Assange Indictment an ‘Obvious’ Ploy With Deeper Dangers

“This precedent means that any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the United States for having published truthful information about the U.S.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday indicted WikiLeaks founder Julian…

Assange: the Ecuadorian State acted without guaranteeing due process

Pressenza interviewed Javier Arcentales Illescas, Human Mobility Advisor of the Ombudsman’s Office of Ecuador, an institution that spoke today about the detention of Julian Assange, at the consulate of Ecuador in London. Here is the interview. Q: The Ecuadorian Foreign…

Jeremy Corbyn Wants An Apology. Theresa May Would Not Apologize. I Want Apology and Reparation.

By Partha Banerjee One Hundred Years of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre by the British Tyrants. Why does it matter today? On April 13, 1919, on the auspicious New Year’s Day, British military under Gen. Reginald Dyer opened fire on a nonviolent…

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