
Human Rights

We’re all Julian Assange

On the first day of the trial in the Assange extradition process before a London court DiEM25 and Democracy in Europe organized a public protest at the Brandenburg Gate, in front of the American Embassy and very close to the…

Daniela Padoan, candidate to the European Parliament: I rebel against the humiliation and violence suffered by every living being

Social and environmental justice, the fight against poverty, migration, eco-femminism, disarmament and climate emergency. We discuss these and other things with Daniela Padoan, writer, journalist and activist who is standing for the European parliament elections with ‘La Sinistra – GUE/NGL…

Where are women’s voices in Africa’s infrastructure projects?

Women in Zimbabwe’s informal economy face steep challenges amid economic crisis, competition from big companies, and poor infrastructure. By Sally Nyakanyanga 3 May 2019 for openDemocracy It was late afternoon in Harare, Zimbabwe, and Rudo Kabete, 35, sat beside more than…

May 3, World Press Freedom Day: The Assange case

“Press freedom is the cornerstone of democratic societies. All States, all nations, are strengthened by information, debate and the exchange of opinions. At a time of growing discourse of mistrust and delegitimization of the press and journalism, it is essential…

Economist Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela & Killed Over 40,000 Since 2017

More than 40,000 people have died in Venezuela since 2017 as a result of U.S. sanctions, according to a new report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research co-authored by economists Jeffrey Sachs and Mark Weisbrot. The report examines…

Grannies against the right-wing parties

Dear Grannies all over the world! We are very happy about connecting you with our project “Grannies against the right-wing parties”. We began in Austria in November 2017, now our idea became more power. Since our beginning with demonstrations against our…

Anti-Nuclear Plowshares Activists Respond to Court’s Denial of Motion to Dismiss Charges

The Kings Bay Plowshares 7 anti-nuclear activists received the decision Friday evening from a federal magistrate denying their motions to dismiss the charges, including their motion under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The seven defendants, all Catholics, had testified with…

A fully automated society is science fiction: Michael Yates focuses on US labor

By Farooque Chowdhury May Day is one of the most important days to the exploited people. Michael D. Yates, director of Monthly Review Press and former Associate Editor of Monthly Review magazine, focuses on US labor and its movement in the following interview…

We Live in a World With Very Rich Multinational Mining Companies, and Very Poor Miners

By Vijay Prashad* For Jerry Yapari, killed on November 19, 2009. Few people outside Papua New Guinea know about Porgera. Those who do know about it know that it is one of the centers of international gold mining, with a…

To give up on Jewish-Arab partnership is to give up hope

Most of the people in this land are victims of the Netanyahu government. Partnership between them is the only way to fight its various forms of oppression — including the occupation. By Nisreen Shehada and Alon-Lee Green It’s so easy…

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