
Human Rights

Lights for Liberty Immigrant Rights Vigil

Photos by Ellen Davidson Hundreds of people participated in the Kingston, NY, Lights for Liberty immigrant rights vigil July 12. Chants included “Black, brown, white, unite to fight for immigrants’ right,” “Love, not hate, makes America great,” and “Say it…

Croatia: President Admits Unlawful Migrant Pushbacks

Halt Abusive Operations; Justice Needed Croatia should immediately stop summarily returning migrants and asylum seekers to Bosnia and Herzegovina, in some cases with force, Human Rights Watch said today in an open letter to President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. The president’s recent admission during…

Rojava: fires against crops

A new form of economic terrorism against self-government. [Rojava, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria] Simona Deidda’s testimony when she spent 20 days in Syria with a delegation of supportive women. Article by Daniele Barbieri. After the defeat of…

How NGOs in Rich Countries Control Their Counterparts in Poor Countries… and Why They Refuse to Resolve It

By Paul Okumu* NAIROBI, Jul 12 2019 (IPS)* – Many NGOs around the world are fighting inequality between the rich and the poor, between the policies that make rich countries richer, and poor countries poorer So while Civil Society Organizations…

Modern Slavery Act is having unintended consequences for women’s freedom in Sri Lanka

Sandya Hewamanne, University of Essex for The Conversation The Modern Slavery Act was seen as a big achievement for combating the issue of forced labour. But since it was passed by the UK government in 2015, many have pointed out…

Despite Death Threats, Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out About Exposing Large Corruption Scandal in Brazil

A political crisis in Brazil is growing in the wake of The Intercept’s investigation into a judge who likely aided federal prosecutors in their corruption case against former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The Bolsonaro administration announced Monday…

No opinion can be given on a report of questionable impartiality [re: Venezuela]

By José Gabriel Feres* There is no doubt that we humanists repudiate and reject the practice of violating human rights wherever it comes from. Not only do our ideology and principles support us, but above all our struggle against all…

Assange, Democracy, and the People’s Internet

By Sally Burch for bot populi The arrest of Julian Assange in London and his indictment by the US government highlight one of the main contradictions of our digitalized societie. The democratic principles of defending human rights and official transparency…

London Pride 2019. Still a lot of work to do

Yesterday was a great party of colour and human rights for the LGBT community and everyone else working for freedom and the celebration of diversity. Seeing the great atmosphere may give a mistaken impression that all is well with sexual…

Stand for Human Rights, Support Call for UN probe in Philippines

Press Statement We, representatives of people’s organizations from human rights defenders, peasants, workers, women, Indigenous Peoples, and migrants in the Philippines, call on the member States of the United Nations (UN) to stand and heed to the demands for establishing…

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