
Human Rights

The European Commission sides with refugees and civil society

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee welcomes the decision of the European Commission to refer Hungary to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for what the Hungarian government calls the ’Stop Soros’ act. The Commission also decided to launch…

Press Statement on the Series of Killings in Negros

Editor’s Note: Negros Oriental is a province located in Central Visayas, Philippines. At least 15 persons, including 4 policemen and a school principal, were killed in separate shooting incidents in a span of just one week in this province. July 25…

Return the Chagos Archipelago to Mauritius immediately

PRESS RELEASE Colonialism Reparation welcomes that the United Nations General Assembly has confirmed that the process of decolonisation of Mauritius was not lawfully completed giving the United Kingdom six months to withdraw its colonial administration from the Chagos Archipelago unconditionally…

The US has a history of testing biological weapons on the public – were infected ticks used too?

Michelle Bentley, Royal Holloway for The Conversation The House of Representatives has instructed the Pentagon to disclose whether it used ticks to infect the American public with Lyme disease between 1950 and 1975. The allegation comes from Chris Smith, the…

Israeli destruction of Palestinian homes in West Bank, ‘not compatible’ with international humanitarian law, UN says

Following “with sadness” the Israeli authorities’ destruction of homes in the Palestinian community of Sur Bahir, three top United Nations officials issued a statement on Monday underscoring that the move was “not compatible” with Israel’s “obligations under international humanitarian law”.…

Granting Julian Assange political asylum was “the right thing” to do

“We knew he was in real danger, as will be confirmed now; and that’s why we granted him political asylum. Right then the US obviously decided that Ecuador had crossed a line.” Interview with the former foreign minister of Ecuador.…

“Our Squad Is Big”: Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaib and Pressley Condemn Trump’s Racist Attack

Congressmembers Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar condemned President Trump’s spate of racist attacks against them in a news conference Monday. Their public rebuke followed Trump tweeting Sunday telling them to “go back and help fix the…

Poor tenants pay for landlords to live like kings. It doesn’t have to be this way

Britain has enough housing – it’s just that a series of outrageous policies makes it accessible only to the rich. By George Monbiot for The Guardian I have a friend who works almost every waking hour, mainly to pay the…

Immigration, Fear and Japanese Americans in Solidarity with Latinos

By Jhon Sánchez “New York City, ICE is checking IDs at the 1,2,3 train west 72 St Station” was one of the text messages I got last Sunday. Yesterday during dinner, one of my friends handed us a booklet from…

[Brazil] The media hide the attack on Glenn Greenwald in Paraty, by Alceu Castilho

“Nobody told me, I was at the table with Sérgio Amadeu, Sabrina Fernandes and Gregório Duvivier, as well as Glenn himself. The atmosphere of tension was enormous. Our speeches were interrupted by bombs and fireworks,” Castilho said. By Alceu Castilho…

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