
Human Rights

Historic immigration vote at Labour Conference represents sea change in attitudes among UK labour movement

Mohamed Elmaazi examines how the Labour Party Conference’s historic pledges on immigration mark a significant departure from the racism and xenophobia which was deeply entrenched in parts of the UK labour movement over the past century. This article is published…

The Robots Are Not Coming

By Alex Howlett If you follow technology, you could be forgiven for believing that humanity is standing the precipice of a robot apocalypse. It’s only a matter of time before automation eliminates so many jobs that humans will simply no…

Big pharma’s rising prices mean doing nothing is not an option

We have the tools to tackle big pharma’s high prices. Labour has shown it’s prepared to use them. Heidi Chow for openDemocracy 30 September 2019 Expensive medicines are a growing problem the world over and for too long big pharma…

Basic income is paving a path to freedom in Kenya

Kenya is running the world’s most ambitious basic income pilot yet, but will its results be enough to forge a whole new approach to poverty reduction? Caroline Teti for openDemocracy 30 September 2019 Beyond Trafficking and Slavery: Tell us a…

10,000 People a Day Must be Freed to End Slavery by 2030

GENEVA, Sep 27 2019 (IPS) – “Six years after initiating my term as Special Rapporteur, it is sobering to say that the way to freedom from slavery remains long in spite of the legal abolition of slavery worldwide,” said UN…

Face 2 Face with Diane Pagen

On this show we speak with Diane Pagen with Basic Income NYC about universal basic income (UBI) and how that model of guaranteed income works. She also discusses the Basic Income March that will take place in NYC on Saturday,…

Demonstrations in Paris: Climate and Act 45 of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests): “The right to demonstrate in France becomes … theoretical”

Great demonstration this September 21, many people, but the police appeared ferociously to tear-gas all the procession, mostly peaceful, so much so that this one, which almost got to the Port-Royal station, had to return to the starting point! They…

Return and don’t procrastinate: Colonialism Reparation

Press Release Colonialism Reparation asks the repatriation of the remains and the permanent restitution of the treasures looted by former colonizers as a first step in the direction of the Reparation of the damages of the colonialism, stopping to procrastinate…

Netanyahu’s exit could make it harder to fight occupation from the outside

Without a cartoon villain to rail against, the energy required to end the occupation is in danger of dissipating. By Aron Keller Given that Benjamin Netanyahu presided over the rightward shift of Israeli society and the hollowing out of its…

NYC: Income Savings Plan Program (ISP)

On the Department of Homeless Services proposal to amend the Rules of the City of New York to establish an income savings program for shelter residents with earned income, to be known as “ISP” or “Income Savings Plan Program” By…

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