
Human Rights

Assange in Court

I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening. Before I get…

Demonstrations of solidarity with Chile all over the world

The current social outbreak in Chile has attracted interest and support at an international level, and in several cities throughout the world there has been demonstrations in solidarity with the uprising outside the Chilean consulates or in landmarks of the…

Andrew Yang in a Marathon to Answer Americans

By Jhon Sánchez On Friday, October 18, Andrew Yang answered livestream questions from the general public. At the beginning of the 10-hour marathon, Andrew Yang had 20,000 questions on the website and 10,000 more using the hashtag-Andrew crosstalk platform. He’s…

Chile: Humanists and the Current Moment

Hello friends, It is difficult to make a synthesis of what we are living, but in the attempt to transmit our point of view, I’ll tell you a little. I believe that we are witnessing something that Humanism has been…

Chile: Mass evasion in the Santiago Metro, widespread demonstrations in the capital and declaration of a state of emergency

This week there was a massive call to jump over the paying turnstiles of the Santiago Metro, in response to the fourth fare rise so far this year. Mainly high school students entered the stations en masse, surpassing the responsiveness…

Ecuador –The fight Against Moreno and the IMF is far from Over

By Peter Koenig In Ecuador, the fight against IMF austerity measures is far from over. Just a few hours after my article was published on Sunday, 13 October,Ecuador  – and the IMF’s Killing Spree –, President Lenin Moreno declared the infamous…

General Strike in Catalonia as Barcelona is Burning

By Countercurrents Collective A general strike has been called in Catalonia on Friday, marking the end of a week of protests following the ruling of Spain’s Supreme Court on Monday. The court sentenced nine Catalan pro-independence leaders to jail for…

Ecuador: From the middle of the world to the end of the world

By Boaventura de Sousa Santos As its very name suggests, Ecuador is geographically located in the middle of the world. And now, from all appearances, neoliberalism has decided to carry out its end-of-the-world maneuvers in this country. That is perhaps…

#momadivest Oct 18 NYC

MOMA board member and CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink is the 2nd largest owner of prison companies GEO Group and Core Civic. With over $2 billion in contracts with ICE, these companies are responsible for over 70% of all immigration…

John Shipton: Assange’s father and ambassador in Berlin

John Shipton, Julian Assange’s father, has come to stay. At least until his son gets free. The day after his speech at the Brandenburg Gate and in front of the American Embassy at the #Candles4Assange vigil, we met Shipton for…

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