
Human Rights

Demonstrations from abroad of support, encouragement and inspiration for Chile

Al over the world there have been demonstrations in support of the rebellion in Chile, fuelled by the core tiredness of the people of having their basic rights played with by the same elite that has accumulated and concentrated the…

UN overwhelmingly votes for ending U.S. blockade against Cuba

12:05 pm The voting process begins. Result: 187 in favor; 3 against; 2 abstentions Against: Israel, the United States, Brazil Abstaining: Colombia and Ukraine The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Thursday overwhelming voted in favor of the resolution demanding ending of…

Carabineros will be investigated for crimes of torture in Chile

This was confirmed by the Attorney General’s Office, since torture and repression has been “a daily thing for the students” according to the leader of ACES, Coordinating Assembly of Secondary Students. In addition to torture, minors have been forced to…

‘Vindication’ for Climate Activists as UK Court Rules London Ban on Extinction Rebellion Protests Unlawful

“XR protesters have been raising the alarm about the climate crisis. We need to listen to that alarm, not outlaw it.” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Extinction Rebellion activists in London celebrated Wednesday after a high court ruled…

Neoliberalism’s children rise up to demand justice in Chile and the world

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies Uprisings against the corrupt, generation-long dominance of neoliberal “center-right” and “center-left” governments that benefit the wealthy and multinational corporations at the expense of working people are sweeping country after country all over…

Chile, Rigoberta Menchú’s visit due to Human Rights situation.

Rigoberta Menchú, Guatemalan and 1992 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, is on a visit to Chile and showed her concern about allegations of human rights violations by state agents during the Chilean protests on Sunday 3. This after meeting in Santiago…

Jeremy Corbyn is right: billionaires and poverty should not coexist

It’s ludicrous to suggest that we need billionaires to incentivise work and wealth creation. Luke Hildyard for openDemocracy billion pounds is an almost incomprehensible amount of money. One of the most successful tricks that the rich and powerful have pulled…

Nov 2nd: World Resistance Day for Rojava against Turkey’s aggression

Riseup4Rojava ”At 4pm on October 9th, the Turkish occupation army and its Islamist allies began their long-prepared war of aggression against the liberated areas of northern Syria. At four o’clock sharp in the afternoon, bombs rained down on people in…

Haiti awakens: protests bring the country to a standstill

  Just like Chile and Ecuador, Haiti awakened, and now there is little that will contain the popular uprising that seeks to hold Moïse to account for his actions during his presidency. DemocraciaAbierta -openDemocracy During the past month, protests in…

Brazil: indigenous Guajajara killed by loggers in Maranhão

The group of indigenous forest agents known as “Guardians of the Forest” was ambushed by loggers on Friday, November 1, 2019, in the interior of the Araribóia Indigenous Land, region of Bom Jesus das Selvas (Maranhão state), between the Lagoa…

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