
Human Rights

Pax Gandhiana: The Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi

Book Review submitted by Howard Richards Parel, Anthony J. Pax Gandhiana: The Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. Oxford Scholarship Online, 2016. ISBN-13: 9780190491451. In a world where mainstream studies of peace and politics are dominated by what passes for realism…

“Don’t Hate the Media, Be the Media”: Reflections on 20 Years of Indymedia, a Radical Media Movement

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the historic protests in Seattle that shut down a meeting of the World Trade Organization, but it also marks the time when the first Independent Media Center came to life. Amid the clouds…

Long Live The Women! Women From Latin America And The World Rally To Put A Stop To Violence

Reportage and photos by Gustavo Espinoza, translated by Jhon Sánchez. In Union Square, The New York Women’s Strike, Puerto Rican Women, Women of Resistance in Brazil, Assembly of Chileans in New York, organizations for the abolition of prisons, leaders for…

What happened when Chile woke up

Despite horrific police violence and government concessions, protesters in Chile are holding firm in their calls for systemic change. By Cristian Opaso It has been a month since Chileans took to the streets in a surprising and mostly nonviolent uprising…

November Nostalgia 2019: End of a Decade

By j.jill As Thanksgiving week hammers its start-of-the-season advertising from restorative nostalgia around family tables—turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes— to Black Friday ads that repeat the same jingle every two minutes, it’s time to turn it all off and just…

Mike Pompeo: All Israeli settlements are illegal!

On Monday, November 18, 2019, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reversed 40 years of US policy and crossed international law by falsely stating that Israeli settlements do not violate international law. Add your name to letter condemning Pompeo’s statement.…

Second Pressenza journalist assaulted for reporting in Chile

After a few weeks ago – when massive protests began in the streets of the country and the country was still under siege and curfew -our journalist Claudia Aranda was detained for a few hours by Carabineros and the specialized…

U.N. Rapporteur: Julian Assange Has Faced Psychological Torture; He Should Not Be Extradited to U.S.

This week Swedish prosecutors dropped an investigation into sexual assault allegations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, stemming from 2010. Assange, who has always denied the allegations, took refuge inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London for over seven years to avoid…

‘Nothing But Disdain for Democracy’: Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and Pressley Join Letter Condemning Trump for Fueling Crisis in Bolivia

Rather than supporting a military coup, our government should make it clear that the unconstitutional removal of an elected president is unacceptable.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams As the Bolivian military’s violent repression of Indigenous anti-coup protesters sparked…

Hundreds of Thousands Join National Strike in Colombia in Rebuke to Right-Wing President Iván Duque

In Colombia, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets Thursday in the largest national strike the country has seen in years. Labor unions, students, teachers, Indigenous and Afro-Colombian activists joined in peaceful marches across urban and rural Colombia…

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