
Human Rights

U.K. Court Opens Deliberations on Julian Assange’s Extradition Case

A British court has started deliberations on whether to extradite Julian Assange to the U.S., where he faces espionage charges and up to 175 years in prison for his role in publishing classified documents exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq…

Julian Assange extradition hearing begins 24/2. Yesterday’s London demo for his release

Thousands went to the streets to demand Julian Assange’s release. Speakers at the event included Yanis Varoufakis, Julians‘a father John Shipton, Pink Floyd’s Roger Walters and fashion designer Vivien Westwood. The demo was also attended by people from several European…

Japanese American: Silent Solidarity March and Day of Remembrance (Photos and Videos)

Silent Solidarity March The Silent Solidarity March took place right before the New York Day of Remembrance on Saturday, February 22, 2020 Four years ago and originally it was a march to re-enact the forced removal of Japanese American’s to…

Writing to Julian Assange

Dear Julian, I wish I were in fifth grade. If so, this letter would be easier to write. I think if the judge were in fifth grade too, he would release you. But when we grow up, logic is compromised…

World-wide journalists condemn court action against Julian Assange

1200 journalists from 98 countries have released a joint statement today in defence of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange, in the lead up to proceedings in a UK court to extradite him to the United States to face the espionage charges.…

DiEM25 demands: no extradition of Julian Assange to the United States

DiEM25 Communications 17/02/2020, Articles Spread the word Julian Assange’s extradition hearing begins on February 24. We demand that Julian Assange not be extradited to the USA! We are therefore calling for a protest march from Australia House to Parliament Square…

The Lancet publishes letter from doctors: “End torture and medical neglect of Julian Assange”

By Laura Tiernan This week’s edition of the Lancet—the world’s pre-eminent peer reviewed medical journal—carries a letter from 117 medical doctors in 18 countries, renewing their call for urgent action to save the life of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Their letter…

Protest in Vancouver. Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested journalists covering Wet’suwet’en injunction

“Today Chantelle Bellrichard tried to go to Unistoten for CBC. She was stopped at 44 and told she couldn’t proceed because a bridge, that she witnessed other vehicles using, was unsafe. RCMP detained our journalist Friday, and wouldn’t let him…

Italy: Revoke Abusive Anti-Asylum Decrees

Draconian Migration Measures Put Lives, Rights at Risk Italy’s Democratic Party-Five Star Movement coalition government should revoke anti-asylum and anti-rescue measures held over from the previous government, Human Rights Watch said today. The government is expected to propose modifications to two…

1 February in Tel Aviv: Jews and Arabs for peace

About 1,000 people, Jews and Arabs, marched together on February 1 to protest under the following banner: “The Trump-Netanyahu Agreement is a threat to the future of both nations. It is a unilateral agreement that will not bring peace, justice…

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