
Human Rights

Top UN Official Calls for Universal Basic Income to Tackle Growing Inequality

The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis, but it is also proving to be an economic disaster for huge numbers of people worldwide. A senior UN official with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) is calling for countries to…

The Government of the City of Buenos Aires is denounced to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Despite the silence of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and the mass media, yesterday, Sunday (3), it was confirmed that there are 182 people infected by Covid 19 in the slums of the Argentine capital. This is…

Freedom of the Press as a Guarantee for Human Dignity and Well-Being

By Jan Lundius United Nations has designated at least 170 specific days of the year as occasions to mark particular events or topics to promote the objectives of the Organization. 2 This might be considered as yet another sign of…

Manifesto 2020 Calls for A Trans-National Citizens’ Alliance

Viewpoint by Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth A new public declaration of policy and aims, Manifesto 2020, has issued a clarion call for declaring poverty Illegal. Poverty Is the product of labour regulation within the context of unequal…

With Millions Unable to Pay for Housing This Month, Organizers Plan the Largest Rent Strike in Nearly a Century in New York and Elsewhere

By Natasha Lennard Want a grim picture of the state of American dissent during the coronavirus pandemic? Take an overview of media coverage from the last week. The press focused disproportionate attention on a few hundred white reactionaries, in a small…

May 3rd, World Press Freedom Day: let’s cry out ‘Free Julian Assange!’

By Comité Free Assange Belgium The Assange case must finally be recognised for what it is: a totalitarian attack on the rule of law and press freedom, without which a healthy democracy is not possible. If we do not soon…

Tomás Hirsch: The Pandemic Could Generate New and Very Interesting Responses

Pandemic, activism, social protests, neoliberal system, solidarity, social, personal and spiritual perspectives ; we discussed all these topics, with Thomas Hirsch, Chilean humanist deputy. The emergence of the coronavirus puts us in a new scenario and destabilizing for all. This change…

European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights

“In an age of sometimes false, and often too much information, it is difficult for human rights organizations to decide how much time to devote to which of our world’s manifold problems,” writes Wolfgang Kaleck, ECCHR’s general secretary, in our…

Universal basic income could improve the nation’s mental health

Many people are talking about universal basic income (UBI) these days. Giving everyone a guaranteed income could be the solution to many economic woes. But one factor that hasn’t been mentioned much in discussions of UBI is how it might…

Face 2 Face with Stacey Rutland and Diane Pagen

On this show we speak with Stacey Rutland, founder of Income Movement, and Diane Pagen, of Basic Income NYC, about the situation regarding Universal Basic Income (UBI) in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. Stacey is covering the campaign at the…

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