
Human Rights

Work. Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate

Working humans are so much more than “resources.” This is one of the central lessons of the current crisis. Caring for the sick; delivering food, medication, and other essentials; clearing away our waste; stocking the shelves and running the registers…

Sanders and Omar Lead 300+ Global Lawmakers in Call to Protect Developing Countries from Economic Ruin

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) led more than 300 international lawmakers across two dozen countries in a letter to the leadership of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today, calling on the international…

Journalists under pressure in Belarus as Lukashenko runs for presidency

The start of the presidential elections campaign in Belarus was marked by a harsh crackdown on journalists and bloggers. Analysts and human rights activists believe that the authorities will go on with repressions. A wave of arrests of journalists, bloggers…

Iraq: New Government, New Legislative Agenda

Government, Parliament Should Prioritize Human Rights Legislation The Iraqi government and parliament should pass legislation to address key human rights shortcomings in Iraq’s legal system and take measures to minimize the risks Covid-19 poses to people in prison, Human Rights Watch said today. With…

Work With Dignity, For Immediate Legislation.

The current health crisis has demonstrated that healthcare is also affected by the crisis. Inequalities, violence and abuses are constantly growing, social policy is losing strength instead of gaining it. We forget the elderly because they “are no longer productive”.…

From Taksim Square to the steps of the Odeon of Herodes Atticus

In the spring of 2013, in Taksim Square, the songs of the band Grup Yorum became symbols of struggle and demand for issues of freedom of the press, expression, assembly and violation of human rights in general in Turkey. In…

Universal basic income the right prescription for Latin America & Caribbean – UN report

A new report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) unveiled on Tuesday, proposes that governments ensure immediate temporary cash transfers to help millions of people struggling to meet basic needs, as the massive fallout from COVID-19 ripples…

China to its anxious youth: ‘Believe us, things are better in your day!’

A propaganda video addressing the country’s “back wave” triggered a backlash Chinese officials are keen to make the country’s younger generation feel fortunate for what it has, and it isn’t difficult to see why. The post-90s generation is the least…

The refugee who gave hope to other victims

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee made a movie about the Russian asylum-seeker, Alexei Torubarov. His eventful and touching story illustrates how unfairly refugees are demonized. The case of our client persecuted for his political views had to be brought before the Court of Justice…

Hungary Rejects Opportunity to Protect Women from Violence

Government Blocks Key Treaty as Covid-19 Exposes Scale of Domestic Abuse Hillary Margolis Amidst a disturbing global uptick in reports of domestic violence during Covid-19 lockdowns, Hungary has taken a leap backwards in protecting women. On May 5, parliament, where…

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